Tuesday, December 21, 2010


OMG I love my little monkey so much! She is so frigging cute, and tiny! She is amazing! It's amazing how much you can love someone in such a short amount of time. Of course I loved her while I was pregnant with her, but its not the same as when she was born! I could just eat her up! To make it better, she is such a good baby. She only cries (I hope I am not jinxing myself), when she is hungry or needs to be changed. Other than that she is sleeping, or just lying there content and looking around! I can't imagine my life without her!!

Merry Christmas to the Graham family!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Early Christmas Present!

Well its about 2 1/2 weeks till Christmas and a little someone could not wait to arrive. On Dec 3, 2010 a little Miss Allie Naveen Graham decided to enter into this world. She is so freaking cute I can't even stand it. Its amazing how much you can love someone in seconds. Whenever I am not near her I miss her so much. She is such a good baby. I love her to bits. I love seeing A with her as well..he is so good with her! He loves her so much...its so cute! So while this should be a happy occasion, which for the most part it is, it is also a sad occasion, because five days later my mom passed away! How messed up is that? It was totally unexpected. So the last week has been very bitter sweet! As if adjusting to a life with a new baby is not hard enough, I now have to deal with the loss of my mom! Let me tell you how much that sucks balls! I am trying to be strong to take care of myself and little Allie b/c that is what is important. To make matters worse I cannot go to the funeral! Due to the fact its Christmas, flights out west are horrendously expensive, not to mention travelling with a 10 day old would be exhausting and stressful. While I am sad that I cannot attend the funeral, I am also relieved at not having to worry about travelling. I am going out there in the Spring time, that will be the time to honor and pay my respects. I can say goodbye in my heart! I do miss her, though I did not see her often, we did talk a lot. We had good chats. Well that is whats going on in my life these days! I don't have anything ready for Christmas yet. It really doesn't feel like Christmas, but I am going to make the best of it.
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Down to the wire!

Its down to the wire, the littlest Graham cracker could arrive any day now. We are down to the last four weeks, and while they say the first is usually late, there is the exception to the rule. I kind of hope she is late because I don't think I am ready for her to be early. There is tons of stuff to do yet. Her room is a mess, I haven't felt like sorting any of her clothes. It has been a very overwhelming month! I have been more emotional in the last two weeks than I have been in the last 8 months. Things are coming up that we hadn't really planned for that are adding to my stress. I know this should be a happy time, and it is, I am super excited to meet baby Graham, but I am also tired, sick, emotional and stressed out. I would like that to be out my system before I become a new mom and feel other emotions I hadn't expected! The nesting aspect has yet to surface! I have no desire to sort, clean, or do anything remotely related to domesticity. I am still working, but my last day is in a week and a half. Perhaps then I will feel like doing more. With work still on the go it still seems like too much. I am still going to the gym, but by the end of November I will stop. I think I have done pretty good up until now. I have only gained 23 pounds, which is pretty awsome I must say, considering some women gain twice or even triple that! I must say I am a little shocked that's all I have gained considering what I have been eating the last two months, but I guess the little exercises I do do at the gym helps! My in-laws are coming in about four weeks as well. I think with A being off work for three weeks and his parents here, everything should go well. I also have lots of friend support, so I know I won't be alone.

The hardest part about all of this is not knowing what to expect when she comes home! I am not at all worried about the delievery, its the afterwards that worries me! I know I will be fine, and I have lots of help, but not knowing what to do or expect is daunting! Anyway this may be my last post until after, but I will try to keep the small amount of people do read this updated!

Have a great day, enjoy the snow, and drive carefully!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Two months and counting

Yep I said two months! I can't believe that its only two months away. My pregnancy has gone by so fast, it just feels like yesterday I was finding out! TWO MONTHS AWAY! Its so crazy to think that in a short two months I will be a mom, a person responsible for another human being! That thought is exciting and scary all at the same time! It kind of freaks me out a little. I hope I will be a good parent. I am sure things will be fine, but I am so glad that I have a partner who will be there to support me in everything, and be by my side through this journey. I want our baby to have the kind of household I always dreamed of, a two parent family. It was hard growing up with divorced parents, as I am sure it was hard for them. Anyway I am just astonished by the fact that in two months I will be a mom! Its crazy!

Not only is it crazy to think about having a baby in two months, but that also means Christmas is two months away! Yikes! I don't think I will be shopping for anyone this year. This year everyone gets a baby for Christmas!! I think thats a pretty good present!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 26

Well I am around week 26. Over half way there...holy time flies. It just seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant and I felt so sick I wanted to die. It has gotten a lot better since then, however I wish someone had told me there were as many downs to being pregnant as there are ups. Sure its not the worst thing I have ever done, but its not always a walk in the park. Right now I have a nasty cold. Who knew I couldn't take anything for it?! I just have to ride it out. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't so congested and I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Anyway thank goodness the cold is on its way out. I am feeling much better. I am also getting much more uncomfortable. I expected that of course, but I just didn't know how uncomfortable it would be. Everything takes much more energy. Getting up off the couch, sleeping, sitting..all these things non pregnant ladies take for granted! The one thing I miss the most is the ability to wear my old clothes! I miss my old jeans. I have quite a few maternity pants, but they just don't fit quite the same. Everyone raved about how comfy they were, I just find them a pain. They fall down all the time, and I really just miss my old comfy, nice jeans! Someday we will meet again!

I can't or shouldn't complain too much. I haven't had it that bad. Things could be a lot worse. I could be put on bed rest, or I could be huge, but I am not. So things are that terrible, these are just some things that I never really thought about! Its the small things. Anyway we are just getting ready for the smallest Graham to arrive. Its only about 3 months now. Its funny when people find out its only three months the first thing they say is wow I can't believe its so close, but then I remind them that its 3 months til Christmas and their tune changes. No one is thinking about that...hahah perhaps they should. It will be here before we know it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy B-day to me!

Today is my birthday..yay! I am 31 today. I am indifferent about that, not really upset about it, but not jumping up and down excited either, it is what it is! For my birthday I get the lovely gift of melting. It is the hottest day on record, a scorching 41 degrees. Not only is that melting weather, but when you are six months preggo you can multiply the melting by about 10x what a regular person is going through at this moment! I do love the heat so its not really a complaint, its just worth stating that its so fricking fracking HOT! Sleeping should be super fun tonight! Thanks to everyone who wished me a great day..so far so good! Couldn't ask for anythng better, other than a nice large cool pool to sit in!

Keep cool and have a great day!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

22 weeks and counting

Well I am about 22 weeks in, and everything is going as it should! Nothing new to report which is a good sign. I feel the baby moving every so often which is a cool feeling, but other than that the baby and I are doing great! I am more hungry than the first three months, but surprisingly haven't gained that much weight. I owe that to going to the gym three days a week. Yep I am still going to the gym, people are amazed that I am still going. I am not sure why, its just something I have to do. I might as well do it now before I don't have time to sleep, eat or poop let alone go to the gym! Everyone at the gym is really supportive and encouraging which helps alot! I can't believe how time has flown by, it just seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant! If this is an indication on how the first year is going to go...yikes!!

I think we have finally picked a name, well when we say we I mean my husband. He changes his mind like he changes his underwear. Everyday its "do you like this name?" I ask him what was wrong with the name from yesterday and he replies that he didn't quite like that one as much...this has been going on for the past five months, but especially since we found out we were having a girl! But finally one night, after a lot of searching, he has found the perfect name. Of course we are not telling anyone b/c I think that is the reason he has changed his mind so much. People always have an opinion and that of course leads to doubt, so this time mum is the word!

We registered at Toys R' us. That was an ordeal, not a bad one, but I didn't realize how time consuming it would be, nor how much information you needed to know on everything! We were looking at car seats and strollers for what seemed like an eternity! It was a little overwhelming, but at the same time fun and we managed with a lot of help from the Toys R' us staff.

We are planning on using cloth diapers. I am excited about that. I realize the cost is high at the beginning, but in the long run it will be much cheaper. For us its not even about the money, its about the environment. It takes seven years for one disposable diaper to decompose...gross!! I like to try and be as environmentally friendly with any product that I buy! We have a meeting tonight with a lady who sells cloth diapers, more like an orientation on how to use cloth diapers. It seems that they might take a little getting used to, so I am glad that there is a service that provides new parents with instructions on how to use them.

We are slowly, but surely getting ready for the newest addition to the Graham family. We are excited to meet her.

Friday, July 30, 2010


So the ultrasound went well yesterday, and it turns out we are having a girl. When I first found out I was preggo people would ask me if I had a feeling what we were having. I had no idea, then around the third month I got this feeling it was a girl, and sure enough thats what it is! We got some cute ultrasound pics, one really scary one, and two cute ones! Yay for us..everything seems to be going along nicely! I can't believe that I am already almost half way there. Time flies when you are having fun I guess!

Well I am off to enjoy a weekend of friends, virgin drinks, beach, and turkey dinner! Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Well I guess its not really news by now that I am pregnant, about four months to be exact! It is defintely an experience! Right now things seem to be going ok, but at the beginning it was rough! I was sick and tired ALL the time!! The best way to describe the feeling was like being on a boat 24 hours a day, non stop motion sickness! Thank god that has finally gone, and while I am still tired, that too is not nearly as bad. At least now I can stay up past 7 pm! Other than the odd ache and pain, things are moving along nicely!

Although I know I am pregnant, it is still surreal to me, like I only believe it when I go to the doctor and hear a heartbeat. After that it still feels like a dream sometimes. My husband is so freaking excited he can hardly contain himself! I too am excited, but he has wanted kids much longer than I have. It took me a while to get to that point. It is also a little overwhelming to think that I will have to be responsible for something other than myself. Feed, bathe, dress something everyday other than me...and the money, whew that is also something that is heavy on my mind! Unless you are a billionaire who can afford these little creatures! I know people do it everyday, but man sometimes its a struggle for just us..I hope things work out! I am sure they will. We have a lot of support from family and friends. That is the other issue that upsets me is family! None of mine live here, I am not sure if that will be easy or hard! I guess all of these things we will have to deal with as the time comes. For now I have to enjoy this time, b/c who knows if it will happen again, and see what happens. We are looking forward to meeting the new Graham in a few months time!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Still Alive

I haven't blogged in a very long time, but I want to ensure all 2 or 3 readers that I am in fact still alive. For a while I was super busy with work. I mean I was working three weeks straight, no days off, and going to the gym four days a week. It was crazy. I am now working a little less, which is kind of crappy b/c it means less money, but on the upside it also means more time at home which also means I won't go postal as quickly! Let me tell you that working that much is not good for anyone! The money is nice, but I would much rather have evenings and weekends to do what I want to do! I finally got to experience that on Easter long weekend! I was off for an entire four days and it was AWSOME! The weather was super nice and lots of yard work and house work got done!

The gym is going great. Still loving it, and though I have not noticed a drastic change in weight, I have noticed a signficant increase in muscle and the amount of physical activity I can do outside of the gym. I am grateful to this great change we are experiencing! Not only are we improving our health, but the people we have met are incredible and encouraging!

Not much else is new around here. Just working and living the dream! I am super excited that spring is here, and summer is not too far away! I love the hot weather, and cannot wait for all the exciting things that summer has to offer, and who knows maybe a few roadtrips!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I love the olympics, winter or summer, they are so exciting. Of course some events are better than others. Whats even more exciting is that Canada has won four gold medals to date. The first time ever that we have won any golds while hosting the Olympics. I am proud to be Canadian, but everytime I watch or hear of a Canadian winning a gold medal it makes me that much more proud! GO CANADA!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Doin' Nothing

Its Monday and I am just sitting at home not doing much. I don't have anything really exciting to say. I haven't blogged in a while so I guess this is a really boring update! I woke up this morning, went to the gym, came home and had a nap. Let me tell you how much I love blackout curtains, these are the curtains that can make a room dark in the middle of the day and I love them!! The coach at the gym said one way to get a better sleep was to make your room so dark you can't see anything. I have done that and I sleep much better now at night time and nap time! I don't normally nap, but since I have been awake since 5 am and I have to work until 1130 this evening, I thought a nap would be a good idea. I feel much better and ready for work. I think for the remainder of the afternoon I will continue to read. The book I am reading is so good, not uplifting, but good. The book of Negroes is what I am reading. Its about a young girl who is kidnapped from her village in Africa who is shipped to the U.S. to be made a slave. Its heartbreaking in some parts, but an excellent story!

I went to the gym this morning. Let me tell you it was a tough morning. I did not want to drag my butt out of bed today, but at the end of the workout I was super happy I did. The hardest part about getting in shape is going to the gym, once I am there its great! I thought maybe after a couple of weeks of getting up at 5 am things would get easier. I have come to the conclusion that it will never get easy to get up at 5 am! 5 am is an god awful time of day, but I would much rather get up and work out in the morning then have to dread it all day and go at night. Al and I are still loving the gym, and doing really well! The benefit of getting up so early and getting home by 8 am is that there is a lot more time to do things. Speaking of things to do my laundry is finished and I must fold it. Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Loving Cross Fit

So its been about three weeks since Al and I joined Cross fit..if you haven't read the previous blog, or have any questions about what Crossfit is, pls google it, its very hard to explain, but its AWSOME! I love it. So what if I have to get up at 5 am to be at the gym by 6, and yeah when I go I get my ass handed to me on a silver platter, but its totally worth it! Whats even better is that Al is not so hateful at 5 am. You know the saying don't poke the bear? There is a reason that is a common phrase around my house. Al does not like mornings! I mean say good morning to Mr. grouchy pants, but in the last few weeks 5 am doesn't seem to be too bad! We both feel great, and have a lot more energy. Eathing healthier is a little more slow going, but its getting better. We are more aware of what we are eating. Now its just a matter of not eating it! That will come, the important thing is we are getting active, and becoming more healthy! I even heard Al say " I hate the gym, but I love coming to Crossfit". Imagine that, I wish I had a tape recorder at that exact moment.

Anyway thats all that is really new around here. Still love working at the dog grooming shop, and the pub is going fine. We are just living this thing called life, and enjoying each day!

Have a great day everyone!