Saturday, March 22, 2008

Avoiding an essay

I am avoiding an essay that I should be writing. When it comes to writing an essay there are many things I can think of that I should be or could be doing rather than writing it. I have been working on this essay for the better half of the evening however I find my self trying to find other things to do. I can only check facebook so many times before I realize that nothing new has happened in the last five mins. MSN is not that exciting, no one I really have a desire to talk to and well the internet itself is pretty boring. This is where I am glad my friends have introduced me to blogging, so here I am blogging about how boring and sometimes tough essays are!!

I find it very difficult to write an 8 page minimum paper. What do you say?! I am sure if you picked a good topic there is lots to say, my problem is that I can't think of anything to say, nothing!! I am on the first paragraph of my introduction and that is a struggle. I am wondering how I have ever left a paper to the last min in the past. It takes a certain person to write very good papers, of course I can get by with an ok mark but writing an excellent paper takes skill, skill I am afraid I do not have.

Well I am afraid I have to continue the paper progress since I am only on the first paragraph of minimum 8 pages.


Sunny said...

I could never get past the introduction. It would be so hard to get those first bits of ideas on paper but once they were there I usually had no trouble writting an 8 page essay...those were the short essays in my faculty. English majors are forced to write many, much longer, essays all due around the same time. It sucked so I can feel your pain.
It's no fun to have to do the work that goes along with school but the going to school part is okay. I kinda miss it.....not the crotch thing but the rest of it.

LLG said...

yes essays do suck a lot. My problem is overthinking. This particular essay i have probably rearranged and reworded at least 10 or so times which makes the rest of the essay go untouched! very frustrating.
PS i need you to send me your link again..i try to click on your thing but it won't let me. I had it once but it left my computer. I would like to read someone else's blog rather than my own.