Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Losing sucks!

I am currently trying to eat healthy and lose some weight (again). I don't know how many times I have gone down this path but enough is enough!! It is time to lose weight and be healthy.
The problem is its a challenge, a challenge to stick to the plan and follow through on every aspect of this process. Watching what you eat, exercise regularly are a large part and well when you love food and do not like exercising it becomes a challenge!

So far eating healthy has been okay. I have been watching what I eat, incorporating more fruits and veggies into my diet and cutting out carbs. I would say this is the hardest part as carbs are the best food there is but so far its going okay. There is the odd time where I crave something that is full of sugar and fat but I usually resist the urge to eat such things.

The other half of this process is exercising which has been a challenge. I am not fond of exercising. Going to the gym is a dreadful chore that I cannot bring myself to do which means being creative and thinking of other ways to get in shape. I have taken up walking, sort of. While I do not go everyday like I should, I try to go three or four times a week. Of course life comes up and there are certain things that take priority over walking. Its hard to get motivated to get up and go for a walk. In the mornings before work, I tell myself over and over that I should be going for a walk instead of writing about it but its just so hard to get up and be that motivated in the morning. All I want to do is relax and enjoy my morning in my jammie's before a long day of work!

No one said this process would be easy and its not. Anyone who has tried to lose weight and get healthy knows its a lot of work but worth it in the end. I am going to keep going and hopefully find success and the end!!

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