I have been at my non glamorous job for approx. 3-4 weeks now. So far its......OK! Its a job, it serves its purpose! I work, I get paid, done deal. I get along with the girls there alright, we are not best chums or anything but its not completely unbearable to be there! School starts soon and I will have to be there even less than now which I am patiently waiting for!
My boss is pregnant which means her hormone level has been kicked up a notch which has made her mood swings become even more of a roller coaster ride. She is one of those people that is hard to be mad at! At times she can be super snarky, rude and patronizing and other times be very sweet and nice, those are usually the moments after she has succeeded at being, well, a bitch! I deal with these moods, breathe and move on with my day. I have considered looking for a new job as I don't feel like I fit in with the job or the people but I continue to tell myself its not much longer before I won't be there much at all due to school.
What I am not sure I can deal with is the recent episode that took place. A new girl has started. She seems nice and easy to get along with. Her first day was yesterday. She asked me a few questions about the position as she was hired to do the same job as me. She then asked me about pay. In most cases talking about rate of pay between co-workers is forbidden as its a confidential subject. I told the new girl to ask our boss what she might expect in terms of pay. This is where the question of fairness comes into play and whether or not I should look for new employment!! My boss proceeded to tell me that because I was limited part time while in school, keeping in mind that for the past two months I have been working full time, that the new girl will be getting paid more than me because they expect more from because she will be full time!! I fully understand the new girl will have more responsibility and be expected to do more work, however, in the case that she does the exact same job as me and just freaking started that she should get paid the same as me. What happened to raises based on performance?! The other part of it is the new girl was being trained on stuff I was just learning after being there a month!
This is just icing on the cake. As I mentioned before my boss can be rude. She treats me like a five year old most days. We hired another new girl who also works part time and on her first day she even noticed that my boss was mean to me!! That is not a good impression!! Anyway, I hate looking for a new job. I could always see if another department is hiring, but how do I do that without angering the Queen Bee?! For now I will just have to suffer through. I just have to make it through until Sept, my boss then goes on maternity leave! Hopefully things will get better, if not then a new job it is!! We will see what happens, wish me luck.
1 comment:
You know what gets me about this situation?! Is that here you were all worried about not telling this new girl what you make, and your boss turns around and actually tells you that she's making more then you are! Now that's un-professional! She should have never have done that. And of course now you're pissed off about it, and have every right to be. She was totally in the wrong. If your boss is going to pay this girl more then you, then there was no reason to tell you about it. That is not something a boss should do. Shame!
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