Thursday, July 10, 2008

Job update

So the latest on my last blog is that I did not quit my job. I tried, I gave my week's notice and told her it wasn't my kind of job but she was not having it. She asked me what the problem was, what was stressing me out. I know I talk a lot of trash talk and I think I am big and tough but really thats all it is, talk. I couldn't come up with the words to tell her she was the problem and if she just gave her notice my life would be much better. So I lied and told her it was this one particular part of the job. Actually I didn't lie, that was part of the problem. This one particular part that she gets me to do I always end up doing it wrong and everyday she gets mad at me because I don't understand. So I told her I did not want to do it anymore. I also told her I was frustrated, it affects my home life and I cry all the time. I think maybe she read between the lines a bit and realized that she may be part of this problem. She was ok with my ranting. So she suggested I stay for two weeks because she is going on holidays, out of the province so I won't have to hear from her or see her for two whole weeks. At the end of the two weeks if I am still unhappy I can switch to a different department.

We shall see what happens. Maybe if I stick to the less stressful tasks which don't involve having to talk to her every second of the day it won't be so bad. I handed a resume in to a different place today and they already called me. I am going to to in for the interview, it doesn't hurt to shop around. If they offer me better money then who is to say I shouldn't take it!

So for the next two weeks there should be no blogging about work because there is no one else there that makes me so miserable. Hopefully things work out because starting a new job is not that much fun, being at the bottom of the totem pole, learning new stuff..not that great. So keep your fingers crossed!!

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