Words cannot even express how pissed and yet how amazed I am. I just don't understand people, how they can outright lie to people without even thinking about it!! How stories can get twisted around to make someone else out to be the bad guy. My husbands previous employer is one such person who I just don't get. My husband was looking for a new job, he had an interview and told his boss about it because he is an honest person and did not want to start off any new or old job with a lie. So he told them he was looking and asked to use them as a reference. I did not think this was the greatest idea but I understand his motives. His boss put an ad up for his position and when they found someone they "let him go". My husband hated his job so was fine with this as he was sure he was going to get the other job and he did. So he asked his old boss if he should come back for his two weeks. His boss say NO and that he would get his two weeks of pay plus severence in the next few days. Sounds good, my husband leaves his old crappy job for a new one and there is no hard feelings between him and the boss. My husband goes to pick up his paycheque only to find on his ROE the reason for leaving was because he quit and there was no severence pay!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! What a bunch of A$$holes. First off he did not quit,you let him go therefore severence pay is necessary!!!
Understandably pissed at the situation my husband called the labor board. They told him he would lose the case because he was avaliable to go back and finish his two weeks. THEY TOLD HIM NOT TO COME BACK! WTF?! So we are out money and faith. I just cannot express to you how pissed I am at these people. I have never have wished so badly for something bad (not death or hurtful things) to happen to these people. Something like their systems to crash or go out of buisness would put a smile on my face. However I am not going to do anything to make this happen as Karma as a way of making its rounds and so they will get whats coming to them and when it happens holy crap are they in trouble!!!
Technically (coming from a person who deals with ROEs on the government end of things on a daily basis) he did quit. His employer was right in putting that he quit however...they did not allow him to finish out his 2 weeks notice so they should have had to pay him severance pay in lieu of notice on their end if he wasn't starting a new job.
At least he got to start his job right away so that he didn't actually lose any money. They are jerks though and karma will bite them in the arse. Oh yes, karma will bite them and bite them hard.
Hope Allister is enjoying his new job at least.
he does like his new job. the people there are much nicer. the karma police will go to his old boss and it will not be pretty
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