Friday, February 27, 2009

All being part of a woman

So my husband and I finally found a doctor..thanks to SM, a friend from school who told me that a new doctor had arrived and was taking new patients. She is a great doctor. Very friendly and interested in her patients rather than being in such a hurry to get you out of there. Anyway super glad to have a such a good doctor. A doctor who is also willing to take on a pregnancy, when the time should come along. This brings me to my next point. How is that something so simple as I am going to the doctor for a regular checkup be construed into a friend assuming that now my husband and I, who have not even thought about trying for kids at this particular juncture, are now "officially trying". This seems to be the dominant theme in my life. Anytime I even remotely indicate how tired I am, or how I don't feel well, or how I am going to the doctor for a regular, part of being a woman checkup, I get bombarded with accusations like "you must be pregnant, or clearly you are trying to have a baby if you are going to the doctor". How does that work? How is it possible to read so much into such a simple statement! I just don't understand out of the many answers that can go along with "I am tired, not feeling well, or going to the doctor" and the one that everyone turns to is that I am pregnant, or trying to get pregnant. If I was trying to get pregnant, or was don't you think that I would be a little more clear, and probably tell those important people personally rather than in a status on Facebook that might indicate any such thing. Come on, something so life altering and you honestly think I would put it there for the world to read first!! Lets get serious people.
I am not pregnant, nor am I trying to get pregnant. Trust me when the time comes you will be one of the first to know!!

On a another note, I went to the gym today! I have been anti gym for quite a while. I just didn't think it was my thing, I hate excercising. However, I found out today that I actually enjoyed myself. While I may not be religous about my gym planning, I am going to try and go as often as I can to be healthy and fit. This is exciting news, because for the longest time I avoided the gym like the plague, and now I am sort of drawn to it. Please don't read too much into this, I am not becoming healthy all of a sudden due to a change in family planning, or for a unborn baby. Its really just for me!! End of story!


Coralee said...

I'm laughing, because it doesn't matter what stage of life you are in, people will always make assumptions about the 'next' stage of life they think you should be in. If you're single, it's "when are you getting married?" if you're married, it's "when are you having kids?" Then it's when are you having another one...etc. We're all just excited for you and Allister to experience's so wonderful!

LLG said...

I know people will always be asking, I just think its funny to assume such life altering things from one statement invovling a doctor. It seems they think its absurd to go to a doctor unless you are having a baby...just doing a reg. routine checkup.haha..i will let everyone me!