Why can't I just keep my big mouth shut?! You know my question about whether people should blog about whatever they want and not worry about other people's feelings, well forget that idea. Tonight I feel like a big ball of crap. It all started with the idea of getting my daughter baptized. At first I was against the idea because I don't agree with most of what man made religion has to say. I was doing it to appease my in-laws. As time went on I accepted that she was going to get baptized and I am actually looking forward to it. However, in the process I had to state my opinions, probably more than I should have, and now I think I have made my MIL feel like she pressured us into this. I don't want her to feel like this at all. I didn't go on a huge rant about how I feel, I just told her some things I didn't agree with. I should have just shut up and got on with it. I am sitting here in a pile of tears because I feel so guilty! I guess the only way to make amends with the situation is to thank her for all her hard work in making this day possible! My in-laws have done so much for us, yet I find myself not appreciating everything all the time! I want everyone to know I DO appreciate them and all they do! Sometimes we just don't see eye to eye on things! I do think everyone has the right to an opinion, to their own voice, however there is a place and a time, and sometimes I don't always know when that is!
While sitting here guilty, I wonder how people do things and not feel any guilt at all. It is amazing how my body can be consumed in guilt at the drop of a hat. I sometimes feel so guilty about things, it physically hurts! I just don't understand how some people don't feel this at all. Is it a chemical imbalance? Anyway I am going to do something to take my mind off of it, get a good sleep and remedy the situation tomorrow.
Thanks for listening world!
I think guilt is part Women's nature.It sucks and only gets worse once you become a mother. You are not alone! I'm sure it'll all be okay.
It did work out, but guilt does suck and being mom doesn't help with the worrying/guilt
As I read this post I was reading my story!
Both my kids were blessed in my husband and inlaws church, and I really felt pressured into it.
I stated my opinions and had my MIL feel like she pressured me into it and at first I did feel guilty. But for me, I felt that my opinions were not being heard and I just felt like the "carrier" of these children and that was it, not their mother.
In this same situation I learned that, yes I'm going to feel guilty but I'm the mom and I want the best for my kids and I think the guilt was not for my MIL but for how I just let everyone walk all over me.
I have had moments where things I have said or done have gone back in mind that made me cringe, but it's all a life lesson.
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