Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 26

Well I am around week 26. Over half way there...holy time flies. It just seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant and I felt so sick I wanted to die. It has gotten a lot better since then, however I wish someone had told me there were as many downs to being pregnant as there are ups. Sure its not the worst thing I have ever done, but its not always a walk in the park. Right now I have a nasty cold. Who knew I couldn't take anything for it?! I just have to ride it out. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't so congested and I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Anyway thank goodness the cold is on its way out. I am feeling much better. I am also getting much more uncomfortable. I expected that of course, but I just didn't know how uncomfortable it would be. Everything takes much more energy. Getting up off the couch, sleeping, sitting..all these things non pregnant ladies take for granted! The one thing I miss the most is the ability to wear my old clothes! I miss my old jeans. I have quite a few maternity pants, but they just don't fit quite the same. Everyone raved about how comfy they were, I just find them a pain. They fall down all the time, and I really just miss my old comfy, nice jeans! Someday we will meet again!

I can't or shouldn't complain too much. I haven't had it that bad. Things could be a lot worse. I could be put on bed rest, or I could be huge, but I am not. So things are that terrible, these are just some things that I never really thought about! Its the small things. Anyway we are just getting ready for the smallest Graham to arrive. Its only about 3 months now. Its funny when people find out its only three months the first thing they say is wow I can't believe its so close, but then I remind them that its 3 months til Christmas and their tune changes. No one is thinking about that...hahah perhaps they should. It will be here before we know it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy B-day to me!

Today is my birthday..yay! I am 31 today. I am indifferent about that, not really upset about it, but not jumping up and down excited either, it is what it is! For my birthday I get the lovely gift of melting. It is the hottest day on record, a scorching 41 degrees. Not only is that melting weather, but when you are six months preggo you can multiply the melting by about 10x what a regular person is going through at this moment! I do love the heat so its not really a complaint, its just worth stating that its so fricking fracking HOT! Sleeping should be super fun tonight! Thanks to everyone who wished me a great far so good! Couldn't ask for anythng better, other than a nice large cool pool to sit in!

Keep cool and have a great day!