Tuesday, December 16, 2008


People these neither new nor fancy gadgets. They are very simple to find. Located on the left hand side of the steering wheel parallel to the winshield wipers is this magical lever called the turning signal. It goes up and down and depending on which way you flip it, this depends on the way you are turning. This handy dandy tool comes in useful to indicate to other drivers your next plan of action when you are on the road. When not used properly or not at all it is very irritating! I cannot stress the irritation felt by those of you who feel that you do not need to tell me which way you are turning. It is rude and inconsiderate and so i would just like to say USE THE DAMN TURNING SIGNAL! If you are unsure of where it is get the manual out, do some research, but for crying out loud use it, even if its improperly, its better than not at all. Not using it could result in some serious swearing and road rage. This is especially to the three cars from the parking lot on the weekend who all were turning and all of you failed to indicate the fact you were turning resulting me sitting at a stop sign for a lot longer than I had to. Just please use the turn signal...its not very complicated, and if it is then maybe you shouldn't be driving!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Just so we are clear 29 is not old. To those 21-23 year olds in my study group who decided to tell me 29 was old...um just to let you in on a little secret I am in my 20's just like you are..I am just a few steps ahead of you and clearly a little more mature than you are! It really annoyed me that when someone said they were born in 1987 and I said I felt old only for you to tell me I was old!! I cannot wait until you turn 29 and watch a mental breakdown occur!! Have fun!

Dear Chatty Cathy

Chatty Cathy: I would like to apologize for judging you too soon. I told a lot of people that I was not very fond of you. This is not true. Outside of class I got a chance to hang out with you and it turns out you are a nice, potentially likeable person. However I do not retract the statement that you are annoying. That is still true. Well a very nice person, you are annoying. In class you dominate every conversation the class has, and if thats not bad enough you interrupt people every chance you get. I am all for people having opininions but you take the cake sister! When someone has something to say, especially if it goes against your opinion you jump all over that like a fat kid on a smartie!! Because I only knew you in class and never saw you outside of class I automatically did not like you. Not because you have your own opinion because anyone who knows me knows I certainly have mine and am not afraid to share it, its because of your rudness to those people in class. In our study group I found that you can be a very cool person...JUST STOP TALKING SO MUCH! Even in the small group we had you did the same as in class. Interrupted, talked too loud and too much, thinking your point is more important than everyone else's. So while we chatted in the discussion group, bonded over some school experiences and you seem nice enough, I am glad class is over. Of course I will say hi in the hallway should you say hi first, but a lunch date, or a "hey lets get together on the weekend" will probably not ever happen. It might even go as far as if you are in the same class as me it could mean me finding a different class.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dear Mr.C

Your exam sucked a big pile of ass. Do you know what time of year it is? Do you think that students have that much time to study as much crap as you gave us to study..do you think that anyone actually studied all that crap you gave us. Your exam was was too long with too much writing. Because I cannot tell you to your face I thought I would take this opportunity to express my feelings here! Also something else I would like to say was your class was boring. You can't expect to grasp people's attention by just simply reading your notes that you typed up the night before, nor can anyone get anything from it b/c people cannot write as fast as you read. thanks for a class of nothing and wasting my money! To be clear I did not give you a good evaluation but like anyone looks at those, not that anyone who will decide your future will look at this, but it makes me feel better to express how I feel in some way!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our neighbors

I have been reading a blog for a while now. Its a fairly well known blog that gets a lot of comments. I like reading it, its entertaining, interesting and exciting. Right now the lady who writes the blog is pregnant, she has told everyone previously that she is on happy medication and is going to continue taking that medication. That is great, if that is what will keep her sane and it doesn't hurt the baby that is awsome. I have read a lot of comments posted on the blog and I have come to the conclusion that it appears that a lot of people from across the border are on medication! I mean alot, every second comment it seemed was thanking her for her inspiration to stand up for herself to those who don't agree with her taking meds and those comments stating they were going to keep on theirs. I don't have a problem with taking meds or anything like that I just find it extremely interesting the amount of people who are on them! What is going on over there that people need to be on a thousand different medications I wonder?!

Speaking of pregnancy, I know so many people who either are pregnant now, or just had a baby. There is a lot of them these days! A couple of them were only married for like a month before getting pregnant. Nothing wrong with that but people are getting busy fast with this whole baby thing! In a sad way I am not one of those people, not for a least another year or so. To all of you who are gasping at the fact that I said it was sad I was not one of them...I do like children and want them, I just have to wait because life is too hectice at the moment to take on kids and everything else!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Normally I am not a huge fan of Christmas. What gets me the most is the commercialism that goes along with the holidays. It has gotten to be that people lose whats really important about Christmas and all those people think about is how much money can I spend this year, and the teenagers get greedier and greedier every year and wonder how many presents can I milk out of my parents. Now there are a few people I have come across who are not wrapped up in the capitalism of it all, but for the majority I find that this is what Christmas has come to. For me, Christmas is about family, friends, food and a few drinks. Sure I like to buy presents for people but its more like how much can I buy for as little as possible. For me the joy is watching people open up gifts I bought them, its not about how much money can I spend. Its been more difficult to incorporate the family aspect as my family does not live near me, but last year, our first Christmas away from home, was great. We hung out at friends house and a great time. I am sure this Christmas will be much easier emotionally due to the fact that we now know what Christmas away from home is like, that and we have great friends that are like family here to hang out with.

Though I am not fan, this holiday season is starting out great. I was in the Christmas parade collecting change for the local soup kitchens and homeless shelter and it was fantastic. The feeling of helping out others is amazing. Not that I haven't out people before and I am just discovering this feeling for the first time, I am not, but I haven't helped out in way like this during the holidays. I really enjoyed it. The smile on people's faces knowing that they are doing something amazing was great to be a part of. I am also involved in helping out local families who cannot have Christmas by baking them goodies and buying them small things here and there. Also so much fun. I think this year and the holidays to come I would rather focus on those who are not less fortunate than others. Again not that I don't want to do it all the time, I try to help out when I can but during the holidays it makes it extra special. I feel like I can really give more than normal at this time.

Merry Christmas to everyone...a little premature but why not its almost that time!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hello, is there anyone home?! I have an essay due Wednesday night, it is Tuesday at 220 and I have a paragraph written. Where is my brain when I need it. I wrote one essay in 24 hours and that seemed relatively easy..now what?! I really need my brain to start working. I am starting to freak out!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday rambles

Isn't a little early for Christmas decorations?? They have started to put them in the mall, it is the middle of November people!! Some people have their lights up on their house already, well that is not the worst part, they have them turned on!! I am not as much of as a scrooge as I appear to be, I promise but now that the decorations are all up what will people do in the actual month of Christmas?

This semester is kicking my ass. I am not doing as good as I had hoped. The silver lining: I am not failing and I am almost done this school buisness. I cannot wait to just get a job and make money and join the rest of society!

I want to go away somewhere warm for Christmas, unfortunately that will not happen, maybe next year!
Rain rain go away
come back another day!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween everyone!! I love halloweeen. When I was younger my brother and I would dress up and go trick or treating for hours. We knew all the best neighborhoods who had the most and best candy. At home we would dump our candy out, sort it and then start the trade business. Before bed mom let us have a peice of candy, highlight of the night. Halloween is not the same anymore. The best candy has now been deemed dangerous and it seems kids get less and less each year. I used to have to carry two pillow sacks around. I am telling you, I cashed in with candy. In my teens, trick or treating was still ok to do, dressed up in silly costumes, sang for our treats then went to a Halloween party to see who had the best costume. As an adult trick or treating is no longer allowed, unless accompanied by a child, and dressing up is less likely unless going to an event, which does not always happen. It is also more stressful to pick a costume than when you were a kid. The possibilties were endless when you were a kid, now it seems that our choices as adults are limited. At any rate this year I will be dressing up and going to a halloween party. The decision making process was difficult but I managed to figure out a fun costume.

I am not a fan of scary costumes, I think Halloween should be about the fun and silliness of it all, not to scare the living crap out of someone. I also like to hand out Halloween candy. Not something that is fun when you are a kid but as an adult I appreciate the fun of it. Its fun to look at all the kids costumes, see what creative ideas their little minds come up with. I have also developed a love for walking around a neighborhood to look at the kids costumes. I doubt no one will come to my house for candy so this is the opportunity I must take to get a look at the cute kids running around with pillow sacks screaming the famous Trick or Treat!

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today I am sitting at home in my jammies enjoying the rainy day and a day off school.

Today I talked to my mom. I miss her alot. I wish I spent more time with her before I moved. I am thankful however for the fact our relationship has grown. I am quite proud of her as she continues to improve her life. I am also excited that she is finally getting a computer so I can send her pictures of my new life.

Today I am a little sad that the trees have lost their leaves as I love the fall colors. It is nice outside today despite the rain, I wish that it was always that colorful outside. I love this time of year, not too hot to wear a sweater but just cold enough to need a sweater.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Things that make you go Hmmm

University, that is a thing that makes you go hmmm. Why is it necessary, to get decent jobs but is that really true. In school you learn all these new and cool things. For example I am taking American history and English, both good subjects, and they are interesting. But when I go look for a job in the real world is anyone really concerned what I think about Huck Finn or the Scarlet Letter? Probably not. Does anyone really care that I know the events of the Boston Tea Party or the Civil War, probably not. All employers care about is the fact that you are dedicated and hard working. That is what I am paying 40,000 into debt for? Is too show you on a peice of paper that I can work hard and am dedicated. If you hired me you would know that already. Anyway as I write this rant I am currently sitting at a table about to write another paper which is probably more trouble than what its worth. All I have to say is thank god I am almost done!

Paying it forward, does it really work? I would like to believe it does. I paid it foward today, I bought some random guy a coffee. He was standing behind me in line and I said I was going to pay for that. Don't get too excited, it wasn't b/c he was hot or anything, he was some old dude who looked like a prof here. Not someone who couldn't affored a coffee but I thought it would be my good deed for the day. I wonder if he did something nice for someone else today?

Why people feel it necessary to come all the way out to my house to tell me I should find the love and joy of God. I am all for believing in your own thing and sometimes its interesting to learn about, when I ask about it. I don't need you to come to my house to TELL me what I should or should not read or believe in. If I wanted to talk about it I would have done something about it. I don't think it would be very acceptable if I went around to people's houses telling them my beliefs.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I cannot even express

Words cannot even express how pissed and yet how amazed I am. I just don't understand people, how they can outright lie to people without even thinking about it!! How stories can get twisted around to make someone else out to be the bad guy. My husbands previous employer is one such person who I just don't get. My husband was looking for a new job, he had an interview and told his boss about it because he is an honest person and did not want to start off any new or old job with a lie. So he told them he was looking and asked to use them as a reference. I did not think this was the greatest idea but I understand his motives. His boss put an ad up for his position and when they found someone they "let him go". My husband hated his job so was fine with this as he was sure he was going to get the other job and he did. So he asked his old boss if he should come back for his two weeks. His boss say NO and that he would get his two weeks of pay plus severence in the next few days. Sounds good, my husband leaves his old crappy job for a new one and there is no hard feelings between him and the boss. My husband goes to pick up his paycheque only to find on his ROE the reason for leaving was because he quit and there was no severence pay!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! What a bunch of A$$holes. First off he did not quit,you let him go therefore severence pay is necessary!!!
Understandably pissed at the situation my husband called the labor board. They told him he would lose the case because he was avaliable to go back and finish his two weeks. THEY TOLD HIM NOT TO COME BACK! WTF?! So we are out money and faith. I just cannot express to you how pissed I am at these people. I have never have wished so badly for something bad (not death or hurtful things) to happen to these people. Something like their systems to crash or go out of buisness would put a smile on my face. However I am not going to do anything to make this happen as Karma as a way of making its rounds and so they will get whats coming to them and when it happens holy crap are they in trouble!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time Flies

Time flies when you are having fun or when you are trekking cross country to a new place where you have never been before and starting a brand new life. That was me. A year ago yesterday my husband and I said our goodbyes to family and friends, got in our car (at a very ungodly hour) with our worldy possessions stuffed into the backseat and drove east. It was an adventure I will not forget. Our destination Fredericton, NB. For me this trip was full of scary but new adventures. I had never really heard of Fredericton nor I had ever been there but here I was in the car watching AB fade as we drove further and further east. I had never lived more than an hour's drive from my parents and so you can imagine the mixed emotions going on inside of me as we were moving to the oppsite side of the country, from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast. A huge move for someone who has never lived outside of AB. For my husband this move was family tradition. He had moved a lot when he was a kid and since the age of adulthood his family has always lived apart, this was nothing new for him. I was kind of glad for that as I needed someone who knew what moving away from parents was like and could tell me things were going to be ok. 10 days of driving, sightseeing and visiting made for a great cross country experience. Something I think people should try to do at least once. Canada is a beautiful country and its unfortunate that many people don't get the chance to see it coast to coast. That being said I don't think I will drive cross Canada again, once was enough for me! Its a long trip.

So here I am today almost a year later in Fredericton, NB. Many things have happened in this last year that its hard to believe how fast it went. My husband and I made many great friends here, all of which I would call the best of friends, we bought a house, he has been at his job for almost a year and I am in school which I hope is almost done. Though we are doing mostly the same things as we would be doing in AB, working and going to school, life is so much better here. For the first half of the year it was hard, homesickness set in about every five mins of the day and it was hard for me to let go of AB. I would tell people that AB was my home, I would often refer to it as home. The last half of the year has played out much differently. I recently went to AB for a wedding and I found myself referring to NB as my home, "back at home" I would often say. This was a nice feeling. I finally was home. AB is where I am from, NB is my home. Of course I miss my family and friends in AB and they will always be a part of me and my life but other than them I do not miss AB at all and its new title is its a place where I am from.

Thanks to all those in NB who welcomed us into their hearts and homes. You have helped the process of starting a new life much easier. Also thanks to my wonderful husband who sat with me on those nights where crying due to homesickness was my main activity for the evening. He has supported me in many ways and I love and thank him for that. Last but not least thanks to my family and friends in AB for understanding the reasons for such a big change in life. I appreciate your understanding and support. I cannot wait to see what another year brings us here in Fredericton, NB

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well I am home from AB, I have been home for about a week but I haven't had a chance to write anything b/c my life has been so hectic the last week I haven't been able to think about anything else. Its amazing how much life can change in a short time. I was gone for three weeks and a lot of things happened (I won't bore you with the details) and so that has been the focus of my attention. Things have settled down and I hope that eventually life in NB can have some sort of normalcy again. I also have school to concentrate on. This semester is going to be long haul, three English classes and two History classes. By the end of the semester I better be a pro in paper writing.
I am going to NKOTB in less than a week with the girls and I am so excited. The last time I did a girls trip I was 19. Its going to be so much fun. It will be a nice break from life.
I had a great time in AB. It was nice to see all my old friends and family again. I do miss them but I realized just how much I don't miss AB. NB is my home now and I am glad to be back.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I am in AB. I just wanted to update you on the events of my life here in AB. I am having a good time, its been a busy, stressful and most emotional time but nonetheless a good time. My aunts memorial went really well. We could have not asked for a better day to send her off into blissful peace. Seeing family is always an exciting time. There were lots of family members who I had not seen in a long time and it was good to catch up. Along with family comes up history and some drama, sometimes more than needed and I certainly caught wind of some of that family history and drama, more than I expected or was prepared for.

I now have the wedding to look forward to. There has been some bumps along the way but in the end it will be a great day and all that matters are those that are getting married.

Though I am having a good time in AB, I am also looking forward to going home. I have really realized, especially in my time here, how much NB and my friends there mean to me. I love it there and would not trade it for the world. I am also desperately missng my husband. I cannot wait to see him in a week. I sort of hope it goes fast just so I can see his cute smiling face! Anyway that is the update on my life in AB at the moment

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Joshua Jackson

My friend has this crazy thing for Joshua Jackson, you know Pacey from Dawson's creek, well I never really thought much of him, not like she does anyway. I began, because i am jobless and have no school work to do, to watch Dawson's Creek. I am starting to see why my friend really likes Joshua Jackson, that guy is HOT! In the show he is a fifteen year old kid but man what a hot fifteen year old (I realize he is older in real life). I would like all my movie viewings be with Joshua Jackson in it.

I would like to thank my friend for her continuous on goings about Joshua Jackson and Dawson's creek. Without that I may have never become interested and well now I am hooked on both. I know Dawson's Creek is from the 90's but its a good show. It also takes me back to that time when I was an innocent teenager in love and all the crazy things teens do. Anyway I just really like the show and a large part of that is because J.J. is in it. That is one of my guilty pleasures, Dawson's Creek and Joshua Jackson. There are other celebrities out there that I adore more but he is climbing the charts.

Friday, August 8, 2008


I am free of the Bermuda Triangle aka work!! Yay me. I could not take it anymore, after my last third attempt at giving my two week notice in which she would not accept I finally had enough. I called her the next day and said in plain as plain can be "I am not coming back". It was like I had to talk to a two year old just so they would get it. Anyway so I am jobless, for now, anyway.

I am also done class, this does not mean I am done school. I have two papers to finish and a final exam tomorrow. But by monday I will be done school, for at least three weeks anyway!

Summer is almost done. This is very sad..I like summer. However being done summer means that I am that much closer to being done school for good!!

I am done blogging...I really need to get this paper done!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Random Thoughts

Who has never been to a wedding? You are thinking everyone has been to a wedding, right?! Wrong, my good friend Lou has NEVER been to a wedding. We won't hold this against her but I just think its weird she has never been. Her wedding will be the first...exciting for her..two firsts! I am excited to go to her wedding..I can't wait to see her. It going to be a blast in just three weeks!

Papercuts really fricking hurt. They are so small yet so painful!! I am currently suffering a little bit of pain while I type this...ow, ow, ow

I am a bit worried about school. The upcoming semester is my last year of my degree. I hope AB will coporate and send me enough money to actually go. If they don't then I must work for a year to try and save enough and then go back, it just seems like such a waste, I am so close!!!

My car is the BIGGEST pain in my ass ever! Yes its old and I fully understand that it will have problems but it shouldn't have any because everything except the motor has been replaced. Its very irritating when you spend so much money at one time to fix the problem and still doesn't work! I just want a new car that works! I do love my car, I shouldn't say its a pain..it got me across Canada with no problems, safe and sound and I am grateful for that!

I had a nice time with my husband and friends on Saturday night. I think going for late night appetizers and drinks should happen more often!!

My husband and I went to the highland games on Saturday. We had a great time. We watched highland dancers, saw pipe bands and drummers, listened to some great Irish and Scottish jigs..then a thought occured to me. How did we go from such nice, peaceful music such as that and others like Beethoven or Mozart to lyrics that involve hoes, bitches and giving that booty a big slap. I am guility of listening to such music, it was just a thought.

I kicked my husbands ass in crib today..skunked him. I am very excited about it. It never happens.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Regret is not uncommon to human nature. We always say I should have done this or If I had only done that and everyone says you should never regret just remember. I am experiencing regret at the moment. My aunt (the one who went missing) was found on Sunday dead. She died of a heartattack or stroke. I hadn't seen my aunt in 12 years and now I am regretting not picking up the phone and calling. However the past is the past and I cannot change that. I will have to remember the good times I did have with her and only hope she knows how sorry I am for not calling first. I hope she knows how much I loved her and how much fun I had with her.

While I am sad she is gone I am grateful she has found peace now. She did not have the best life and for most of it was not happy. I only hope she is happier now. She died doing what she loved to do beside her best friend, her dog.

We had the best times when I was kid. She took me camping and hiking many times and it was probaby one of the best times of my life. Its especially hard for my dad as it was his twin sister. Its like he has lost a part of himself.

It will take sometime but I am glad she has been found and is at peace with herself and the world.

R.I.P. Auntie Carol. We love you and will miss you!

Friday, July 18, 2008


When someone has done you wrong forgivness can be a hard thing to swallow, especially when its by someone you trust and love dearly and you are a teenager. This comes from experience. My dads twin sister was my favorite aunt in the whole world. From a baby until I was 16 years of age we did everything together. She took me camping, hiking, spoiled me and let me get away with things I normally wouldn't at home. It was great at her house and everytime I had to leave I couldn't wait to go back for more fun! I thought we would be close forever. I was wrong.

At the age of 16 my aunt and my family (my dad, brother and stepmom) had a falling out, on her end. She went all weird. Since that (that was 12 years ago) I haven't heard or seen her. Up until a week ago I never thought anything about it, I always got the latest updates from my dad on how she was doing. Now I wish that I had just picked up the phone to say sorry and see what the problem was because I may never get the chance to...ever.

My aunt is missing. She was reported missing last saturday in AB. For almost a whole week no one has seen or heard from her, this is very unsual for her especially considering the situation. She was camping with her dog in her van. Her friend came by to see her and found the van doors open with everything my aunt owned inside with her dog but no aunt carol! So her friend filed a missing persons report and that was the last time anyone saw her.

Its a sad situation. I know I have not seen her or talked to her in a long time but that doesn't mean I didn't want to or could have. I am trying to be optimistic but its been a week and these stories hardly ever end in happiness.

I think about her much more than I did when I knew she was just my aunt who had hurt my 16 year old feelings. I am not sure if that is selfish but its true. I really want her to be ok and even if I never did see her again I hope that she is ok and sees someone in my family again. I think about the 16 years I did have with her and the fun we had. That is the saddest part for me, perhaps knowing that I will never know how she was in these last few months.

I wish that I had just forgave her and picked up the damn phone to see how she was doing instead of being so stubborn and waiting for her! I am kicking myself right now for not reconciling things. The past is the past and I can't change anything but I can pray for her and remember all the good things about her and perhaps forgive and forget a little bit easier next time!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Random thoughts of the day

I know I said I would not post anything about my job for a bit but I must get this out. It has been glorious there for the last week without my boss there, one more week without her, it is heaven. That being said I still don't like my job anymore than before. I do not detest it as much but I still do not enjoy going to work. So I think that my hunt for a new job has been kicked up a notch. I am a people person. I like to talk, those who know me know this and can vouche for that fact. I need to be around social people not mean people. When my boss gets back I am going to tell her I don't like my job and want to leave. This is easier said than done, I talk a lot of talk but I don't walk the walk. I will find the courage to tell her I don't like it. I should just be able to tell her I don't like my job. I am not being mean or nasty about it, I am just simply telling her that the job is not for me. That shouldn't be to difficult right?!

My mother in law and aunt in law are here. It has been a fun week so far. My aunt in law leaves tomorrow which is sad but it was nice to see her! The thing about parents all together is that even when you get old enough to make your own decisions they still feel its their obligation to tell you the right decision regardless of what you think is the right decision. Don't get me wrong I love having them here and can't wait until they visit again but I just feel like I cannot do somethings with them around for fear of a lecture is waiting around the corner. I guess that is the nature of being a parent, always wanting what is best for your children.

I really have to get this paper done. I am not too worried about it though, its only five pages long, that is nothing compared to ten or tweleve pages.

I am super excited for the upcoming festivties this weekend. A friends bday and some partying like its 1999. Should be a good time with the girls!

I just saw a big black cat in my backyard. He was cute but scruffy looking. I miss my cat, I hope he is doing ok.

I posted a comment on a friends blog, I was worried that she might have been upset with my comment but was relived to read that she appreciated my view as much as I appreciated hers. I am glad that opinion giving can be that easy, we respect each others views and appreciate where the other one is coming from. Wish it could that easy for every opinion for every person!

My friends here are so great. My car broke down and I need a vehicle for a day and some friends lent me their car. I am so appreciative of this b/c without their generosity I would have missed school and work. Since I have moved East I have found life much easier to deal with. The people here are much nicer and more thoughtful. Thanks to my friends here in NB for all their support and generosity they have shown the newcomers!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Job update

So the latest on my last blog is that I did not quit my job. I tried, I gave my week's notice and told her it wasn't my kind of job but she was not having it. She asked me what the problem was, what was stressing me out. I know I talk a lot of trash talk and I think I am big and tough but really thats all it is, talk. I couldn't come up with the words to tell her she was the problem and if she just gave her notice my life would be much better. So I lied and told her it was this one particular part of the job. Actually I didn't lie, that was part of the problem. This one particular part that she gets me to do I always end up doing it wrong and everyday she gets mad at me because I don't understand. So I told her I did not want to do it anymore. I also told her I was frustrated, it affects my home life and I cry all the time. I think maybe she read between the lines a bit and realized that she may be part of this problem. She was ok with my ranting. So she suggested I stay for two weeks because she is going on holidays, out of the province so I won't have to hear from her or see her for two whole weeks. At the end of the two weeks if I am still unhappy I can switch to a different department.

We shall see what happens. Maybe if I stick to the less stressful tasks which don't involve having to talk to her every second of the day it won't be so bad. I handed a resume in to a different place today and they already called me. I am going to to in for the interview, it doesn't hurt to shop around. If they offer me better money then who is to say I shouldn't take it!

So for the next two weeks there should be no blogging about work because there is no one else there that makes me so miserable. Hopefully things work out because starting a new job is not that much fun, being at the bottom of the totem pole, learning new stuff..not that great. So keep your fingers crossed!!

Had enough!

That is it, I have had enough. Well more like we have had enough. My job has brought too many tears, fights and miserableness to my life and my husbands life that we can no longer take it. People say that once you leave work you should leave whatever bad happened at the door, let it go. I am not one of those people. If something bad happens I am mad about it for longer than need be and feel the need to talk about it to who ever will listen. To those people who I talk to about it I am sorry, I am sure that my negative attitude towards work is the last thing you need to hear about. So today will be the last day that anyone needs to hear about my shitty boss and her capability of being incredibly mean.

I am going to the HR department to see if I can switch departments or I am quitting plain and simple. After yesterdays little episode of moodiness I decided I cannot work in that sort of environment any longer. That episode turned into an argument with many tears (on my side) at home which me realize that this is not a healthy work place and that life is too short to work somewhere that you despise. So whether I work somewhere else in the store or not at all I won't be working for her anymore.

The only reason why I kept this up so long, because it is not like me to put up with this much crap I have put up with a lot of crap in my life to never do it again, was to help out the finanical situation at home. I do not want to my husband to have to bear the sole responsibility of being the breadwinner. Last night at the end of our heated argument he told me he did not care about money and all he wanted was for me to be happy and not be bitter and angry anymore because of a stupid job. So thats it. School is coming up anyway which is the focus of my attention, if I can't switch departments I am done working for them. I will look for another job of course but if I don't have one before I quit thats ok too.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dear Dimitri's Lady, Grab a fork and try the stuff!

Last night my husband and I went out for a nice dinner at a Greek restaurant in town. It was pretty tasty and we had a good time! At the end of the meal we ordered dessert. The waitress went through the dessert menu and the word chocolate coffee cheesecake caught my ear. I asked the waitress if she had ever tried it, she hadn't. Maybe she did not eat cheesecake so I ordered anyway. My husband heard chocolate lavacake, this was his choice of dessert.

My mouth was watering, I had not had cheesecake in a while and the anticipation of it coming to my table was killing me. My husband was looking forward to his yummy lava cake. I saw it coming, I picked up my fork and like an animal about to attack its prey I waited. She put it in front of me, I dug in immediately. The first bite so tasty.....wait, whats this, not cheesecake. Thats right folks it was not cheesecake. It was chocolate caramel cake. My husband got bakalava and not lava cake. Hmmm there was a problem.

I told the waitress "Excuse me I don't think this is cheesecake, it tastes and looks like regular chocolate cake to me". She says are you sure?! WHAT?! Lady, I have been dying for cheesecake for a long time and I love the stuff, I think I know cheesecake. She still wasn't sure so she asked someone else to check it out, apparently the chocolate cake was marked chocolate coffee cheesecake. She comes back, nope no cheesecake. She says " I am sorry, we must be out of cheesecake, I have never seen cheesecake or had it so I don't know what it is, which is why I did not know that wasn't cheesecake I served you". YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT CHEESECAKE IS?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? DO YOU LIVE UNDER A ROCK?!

Disappointed I still ate the regular old chocolate cake. The waitress felt bad as she could see it in my eyes I desperately wanted cheesecake but what is one to do. I wasn't going to give up the perfectly good peice of chocolate cake in my presence, so I ate. It was good enough, it was just no cheesecake!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I miss the stampede so much!! I have been going ever since I was old enough to remember going. Its my favorite time of year, not christmas, easter or any other commercialized holiday, its Stampede. I love the delicious food, people watching, the live music, all the exhibits, how the city comes together to have a good time, the visitors, I love all of it. I will have to make a trip home during stampede and bring some stampede virgins with me.

I love my one year wedding anniversary present. It is so sweet and thoughtful! I love that my husband is so creative and puts a lot of work, thought and effort into making such wonderful gifts.

I am done working on my paper for the evening. I will hopefully finish it up tomorrow before class. I am a little worried about the first assignment of a new class but am hoping I have done ok.

I am super excited to see my mother and aunt-in-law this up coming weekend. We are going to have a blast! That being said I have a lot of house cleaning to do...blech

I am going home in a month and a half. I am excited to see my family and friends! I will miss my friends in NB of course!

Happy Anniversary to Me!!

Well it has been one year and two days since I walked up that sandy, rocky, hot aisle with all eyes starring at me, waiting to hear me say I do. It was a great day, little stress and lots of fun. The first year of marriage was great. Many things have happened to make that year go by as quickly as it did but nonetheless it was a great year. I could have not asked for a better spouse!

Our anniversary day was just as great as the actual wedding day, not only was it filled with swimming, eating, and laughing but it was pretty close to what actually happened on our wedding day!! We had food, we went swimming and we laughed..alot. The only thing that did not take place was a bonfire..too hot in Mexico for a fire! We had a great time, thanks guys!!

I look forward to many more years just like the one I had, filled with love, laughter and tears of joy!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Not Susie Homemaker!

How do you ruin chocolate chip cookies...why don't you come over and I will teach you!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Happy Birthday Canada! Canada is truly one of the best countries to live in. Though I am not a world renouned traveller or have been to a lot of places outside of Canada, I have driven across it and I am blessed to be born and raised in this beautiful country. We have so much to offer. Its a great country and I would not trade it in for anything else!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Thinking out loud

I am dreaming of going to the beach tomorrow with my friends. I am imagining myself sitting in a lawn chair with a nice cooling beverage and chatting it up as we watch the summer day pass. Alas this is only a dream as I will be stuck on the bipolar express train aka at work with my boss.

I won a $25 in free gas today from the local gas station...wooohoooo!! This followed the first part of my lucky streak in gas winnings. Work gave me a gift certificate for a free gas fill up due to the rising prices of gas and due to the fact I live a distance from work and am a student. I should get some lottery tickets!!

I had a great time at our friend's place this evening. I think that TGIF should happen at least every second week, at least!! It was great to see everyone!

My one year wedding anniversary is coming up, I really hope my husband likes his gift. I must thank my dear friend who came on the present adventure and helped me with the ideas and a steady hand...Thanks J!

My mother in law comes to visit in two weeks. I am very excited to see her. I feel very lucky to have a mother in law that I get along with and have a good time with. It seems that most do not get along with their mother in law, I am proud to say I am one of those few that do get along.

I think I will stick out the job thing...it can only get better! With vacation time, school and the rest of it I am sure there is light at the end of the tunnel

It is late and I should go to bed...good night!

Summer Days

I love summertime. Its one of the best time of year. Hanging out in the sun wherever it takes you, the beach, a patio, camping or wherever. Its a great time to get out there and hang out with friends and be free and have fun. My friend has a camp outside of town, I went there last night to see it for the first time since the flood. They have really fixed it up nice. I am so excited to spend summer days there, hanging out on the beach and going swimming.

This sounds like a nice way to spend your summer right? Well for those of us who have to work in retail those summertime activities are just a pipe dream! I will be spending my summer indoors with a woman who I have strong feelings of dislike towards! Its not fair by any means having to work every weekend all weekend but that is the price of retail! It is sad that this summer will be wasted in this fashion but don't fret friends as I am hoping this will be my last summer of crappy, shift work! I will be graduated, hopefully, next summer and then I will be boarding the Mon-Fri train along with my friends who get to enjoy these nice summers on the beach.

So for now it will have to be whenever I get the chance to get out there and a lot of days dreaming about it, at least until next summer. It seems a lifetime away but it will come and when it does look out kids its going to be hell of a time!

How much more?

This job of mine has got me in a real pickle of a situation. Its such a cycle of feelings that it leaves me wondering how much more I can take and what should I do about it. I hate my job but only because my boss is so mean and makes me feel so incompetent that going to work and having to deal with her is dreadful. At the same time I like all the other people that work there and I really actually don't hate my job, I only hate it because my boss is my boss. Where does that leave me, that is the pickle?

My first option is to stick it out. I have vacation time booked in which I don't know if I could get it going somewhere else. I am going back to school so I will hardly be there anymore and not to mention the best part she is going on Materinty leave very soon and won't be there anymore, not to mention all of her vacation days in between there. All of those days between me going and her going is a peaceful thought. Sticking it out until then though is something entirely different and not sure I can endure it.

My second option is to just look for another job and pray that the vacation time I need will be granted.

I am on the fence about these options. Looking for another job is music to my ears, however my boss is the bad apple in the bag and you don't throw out the whole bag just because one apple is bad. Everyone I work with are fun, nice, easy to get along with. I have only worked at this job for two months and while the thought of quitting pleases me at the same time I don't want to give up just yet! It would be like letting her win even though she doesn't know there is a problem. Its not very satisifying to come home everyday with a list of complaints about work or dread going to work all together. I am sure those reading this are chanting find a new job, especially if they have read other blogs about my wonderful work situation. I am just not sure that giving up is the answer. If I can stick out until Aug when I go on vacation for three weeks I will have conquered what seems the impossible. I think that I will stick it out as long as possible. I don't guarantee though that my temper won't get the best of me and I will suddenly be unemployed.

Wish me luck!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Married life

Being married is great! I love being married, my husband is a great man who I hope to share a long wonderful life with. That being said there is one thing about being married that I am very angry at! That one thing is school and finincial assistance.

Apparently when you are married the government thinks you have inherited all kinds of money you did not have before! I am hear to tell you this is not true. Sure I struck it big by marrying the man I love bla bla but that does not mean I also struck it big with the lottery. I recently applied for a loan to go to school this summer. My tution is just over a $1000 for two classes excluding text books. I, not making very much money and having to rely on my husband for support while in school, turn to the government for some help only to find out that b/c I am married I am only going to get $300 for my schooling this summer. Now I am no math expert but I am pretty sure that $300 is not even close to the $1000 that I need for school. I am pretty sure, again no math expert, that I need another $700 just to make up the tution fees!

Hmmmm this puts me in quite the dilemma....you see if I had $700 extra dollars just lying around I WOULD NOT HAVE TO ASK FOR IT!! So what am I going to do about this..good question, I am not exactly sure myself. I will figure it out. I have to or the way things are going I will still be going to University with my kids.

The weekend

I had a great time this weekend in P.E.I. It was all so beautiful, the weather, the scenery, the company, the food, the wedding. It was great. It was good to see old friends as well as vacation somewhere new with my husband. I really did have a great time!

I saw old friends from where I used to live. We laughed and shared stories about our new lives and not one awkward moment existed between us. Near the end of the trip I was worried that it would be hard to leave them again as I had eight months ago, however, hugging them all and saying goodbye I felt pretty good! I think it was good for me to see those friends again and realize that life where I am now is great and I don't miss home as much as I thought I did. There are certain people that I miss dearly but I am not so sure it was those people. Don't get me wrong I had a great time and i do miss them but nothing in their lives has changed and yet mine has change significantly. Its hard to explain in words but I feel that I made the right decision in moving and I think my homesickness from here on in will be much easier to handle!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Stuff in my head...

Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there. I miss my dad alot. We weren't very close when I was growing up but when I moved out on my own and became my own person our relationship became very strong. Even though I live far away now its still strong but I miss him tons. Not only do I miss my own dad, I miss my father in law just as much. Both great people!

I do not like my job! I am counting down the days until school starts so full time will no longer be my status. It just seems that no matter how hard I try its never a win-win situation! I go the extra mile and go out of my way to do things and I seem to get in trouble, I don't go the extra mile and still I get in trouble...it never ends!! School and vacation please hurry up.

On a brighter note, I am going to P.E.I in four days. That is very exciting. I will get to see my best friend from. I miss her a lot. Its only a short visit but a visit nonetheless.

I LOATH ants

I miss NYC

I hope this master bedroom project is almost done. It was supposed to be as simple as taking wallpaper off and putting paint on, well six coats we are not done yet. I think we are almost there..hopefully!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fair or not fair..that is the question?!

I have been at my non glamorous job for approx. 3-4 weeks now. So far its......OK! Its a job, it serves its purpose! I work, I get paid, done deal. I get along with the girls there alright, we are not best chums or anything but its not completely unbearable to be there! School starts soon and I will have to be there even less than now which I am patiently waiting for!

My boss is pregnant which means her hormone level has been kicked up a notch which has made her mood swings become even more of a roller coaster ride. She is one of those people that is hard to be mad at! At times she can be super snarky, rude and patronizing and other times be very sweet and nice, those are usually the moments after she has succeeded at being, well, a bitch! I deal with these moods, breathe and move on with my day. I have considered looking for a new job as I don't feel like I fit in with the job or the people but I continue to tell myself its not much longer before I won't be there much at all due to school.

What I am not sure I can deal with is the recent episode that took place. A new girl has started. She seems nice and easy to get along with. Her first day was yesterday. She asked me a few questions about the position as she was hired to do the same job as me. She then asked me about pay. In most cases talking about rate of pay between co-workers is forbidden as its a confidential subject. I told the new girl to ask our boss what she might expect in terms of pay. This is where the question of fairness comes into play and whether or not I should look for new employment!! My boss proceeded to tell me that because I was limited part time while in school, keeping in mind that for the past two months I have been working full time, that the new girl will be getting paid more than me because they expect more from because she will be full time!! I fully understand the new girl will have more responsibility and be expected to do more work, however, in the case that she does the exact same job as me and just freaking started that she should get paid the same as me. What happened to raises based on performance?! The other part of it is the new girl was being trained on stuff I was just learning after being there a month!

This is just icing on the cake. As I mentioned before my boss can be rude. She treats me like a five year old most days. We hired another new girl who also works part time and on her first day she even noticed that my boss was mean to me!! That is not a good impression!! Anyway, I hate looking for a new job. I could always see if another department is hiring, but how do I do that without angering the Queen Bee?! For now I will just have to suffer through. I just have to make it through until Sept, my boss then goes on maternity leave! Hopefully things will get better, if not then a new job it is!! We will see what happens, wish me luck.

Dressed for the occassion

Last night I went in search for a dress for the upcoming wedding taking place next weekend. As I walked through the mall with my husband I knew this task was going to be both gruelling and painful. We went into a couple of stores only to find that most of the clothing was made for girls who had smaller everything than me. As I started to become discouraged I thought looking through here would be a huge waste of time and decided to go somewhere else. The place I had in mind was Pennington's, a store for 14+ ladies.

Normally I would be very upset at the mere mention of such a store and begin to cry. Going to Pennington's is a final truth that I am not a size 8 or 10 anymore. I don't have a problem with bigger people, I have a problem with a bigger me. I used to be one of those girls that could shop in the mall and buy those tiny waisted clothes. The older I get the more junk in the trunk I get!

This time was different. As we drove from the mall to Pennington's, feelings of sadness, discourage. self consciousness and low self esteem seemed to disappear. I kept an open, positive mind about the shopping experience and within little time and lots of money I found a dress. This is a huge thing for me. I don't normally wear anything that is not a pant of some sort and t-shirts that don't cover everything! Anything that shows any skin or cleavage is not something I would wear. Well folks I have come out of my shell. The dresses, I actually found two dresses, show cleavage and are fun and sexy. I tried them on and they looked great, fun and somewhat slimming. I was so ecstatic to have finally found a dress that I feel good in, look good in and have other people think I look good in. Shopping at Pennington's doesn't seem like such a bad idea anymore.

Not only was it a good self esteem booster for me but it was a great experience for my husband. He too was excited to see me in a dress for the first time in four years, well a dress other than my wedding dress.

While I am still not excited about the fact that I am a little more overweight than I should be, I am excited about being able to go clothes shopping without crying in the change room as I try on one shirt or pant after another! Its great to know I can go to a store and things will fit me properly. Self consciousness and lack of self esteem are a thing of the past!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Just a thought....

Last night I was watching Apolyptico, a movie about hunters and gatherers living in the rain forest. Doesn't sound so bad right? As I was watching this gruesome movie where men, women, and children were being slaughtered unneccessarily or in other words genocide was taking place, a thought occurred to me, when did society become to know these types of movies as entertainment?

I am not saying if you like these types of movies you are a bad person, I have watched movies that include such gruesome, horrific details but I find myself questioning my decisions to watch such movies. Schindler's list, Hotel Rwanda, Apolyptico, are just a few examples of the movies I am talking about, movies where a race of people get wiped out at the leisure or pleasure of someone else. I am not saying these movies are totally bad either, Hotel Rwanda was about a man who wanted to stay behind as a U.S. troop to save the people of Rwanda while the rest of his country did nothing. Schindler's list was about the Jews and Nazis. These are all films that happened in history and are no doubt interesting and educational.

I am not against educational movies, and so perhaps I am on the fence about this as I like to learn and watch movies that teach me things, however the portrayl of history is where my dislike hangs. Watching human beings be totured is not something that I am willing to pay money for. I have rented these movies in the past and guilty as charged liked them. I think in the future I will be more conscience of the movies I rent and if I would like to learn about the latest genocide movie that comes out I will read about it in a text book. That way I won't be watching the gruesome facts, I will be reading about them but not in such a descriptive manner!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rue the day!!

If I ever find out who invented wallpaper I am going to hunt them down and say you will rue the day you were born!! Ok so I am no Charolette but I like her idea...whoever this person is has not made me a happy person. While we are on the subject of people not making me happy, along with the inventor of wallpaper is the person who used wallpaper in this bedroom I am about to PAINT! Paint people....its easy to take off and its not so ugly!

Wallpaper is the bain of my existence!! I have spent the better part of the morning and afternoon ripping off the stuff that holds wallpaper up, yes my friends gross paper and glue! Luckily I have a friend who guided me with her wise ways. Put some laundry detergent in water and soak the hell out of that crap!! It works but nonetheless still a pain in my ass (and wrist)

I am almost done this tedious task and when I am if I ever see wallpaper again....well I don't know what will happen but it won't be too soon!!

One of those days!

Ever have one of those days where you just want to lie around on the couch and be as lazy as humany possible, turn on the old boob tube on and eat endless amounts of food? Well today is one of those days. Its my day off and nothing in my life requires my immediate attention.

Well a girl can dream, I won't be having one of those days for a long time! The essence of this day is lost in my world! Sure I can lie on the couch and eat....in front of a blank television screen.

Thats right folks I have no tv. Well the physical object exists in my living room but with no cable going through it. Normally I don't care about tv. I used to have peasant vision (when you only get the channels that come along with just simply plugging your tv in), this was fine with me. I found shows on that I could watch and be satisfied with. I don't have peasant vision or anything else due to the fact that I live out of town. Again, normally this does not concern me, until today. I am bored and all I want to do is watch mindless tv, however this is not going to happen.

You are probably wondering why I don't just call the cable company and get them to set up cable in my house. Well for me its not as simple as it sounds. Its an on-going battle with my husband. He does not like tv therefore he does not care if we have it. He would rather watch a movie any day. I like movies as much as the next person but there comes a point when I just want to watch something other than a fricking movie. Its bad enough that we watch movies at night after dinner before bed. Movies for breakfast, lunch and dinner...man that is a lot of movies, too many for me to handle. I need to know whats going on outside this house!

I have brought this issue up with him several times, he sees it as a waste of money. I see it as entertainment. Its a battle that will be going for a while, but someday I will win.

Rather than dwell on how pissy I am about the subject I must look at it in this light: perhaps not having cable during the schoolyear is ok. I am in my last year of school and I really need to buckle down and put my nose to the grindstone rather than worry about whats on tv!

However, during these summer months when I have freedom it would be nice to spend that freedom however I choose, watching mindless tv.!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I love the rain...it reminds me of worms.

I do not like slugs...they are DISGUSTING and currently residing along the side of my house because of the rain!

I miss my family and friends, especially my father-in-law! It was his birthday yesterday. He is so great, I could not ask for better in-laws.

I am so excited to go to P.E.I. in a couple of weeks. I will not only get to see some of those great friends I miss but I also will be attending a wonderful wedding....and I get to buy a new dress which is always fun too!

I am also very excited to see my mother-in-law and her sister! They will be here in just over a month. This will be the first time they get to see our house, the first family members ever to see the house. I am super excited and hope they like it!!

Lately I have been talking alot about babies. I know a lot of women who are expecting right now, this could be the reason for my recent obession w/babies or maybe its my biological clock ticking. How do you know when it is ticking? Is there a certain age that it begins, are there signs?? Hmmm I am not really sure, what I am sure of is that there will be no baby making around here for at least another year so this baby talk will just have to be exactly that, talk!

I LOVE the Sex and the city movie...it was so great, not only was the movie great but the ladies I went with are just as great.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I love....

I love summer time. Its full of trees, flowers, nice weather and fun outdoor activities. Its a great time to get together with some friends and sit on a patio somewhere and have a few beers.

I love my husband...he is so wonderful. ( I know vomiting sounds are happening on the other end but thats ok)

I have decided that I love school...well I always knew i loved school but I realized just how much I love it when I am in the work force working at a crappy ass job. True that will change when I find a job I like but for now professional student is where its at.

I love animals. They are so cute and cuddly (most of them) I wish I had a whole farm of cats, dogs, bunnies, horses..basically all the cute and cuddly animals

I love food.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Losing Weight....it sucks!

I am currently trying to eat healthy and lose some weight (again). I don't know how many times I have gone down this path but enough is enough!! It is time to lose weight and be healthy.
The problem is its a challenge, a challenge to stick to the plan and follow through on every aspect of this process. Watching what you eat, exercise regularly are a large part and well when you love food and do not like exercising it becomes a challenge!

So far eating healthy has been okay. I have been watching what I eat, incorporating more fruits and veggies into my diet and cutting out carbs. I would say this is the hardest part as carbs are the best food there is but so far its going okay. There is the odd time where I crave something that is full of sugar and fat but I usually resist the urge to eat such things.

The other half of this process is exercising which has been a challenge. I am not fond of exercising. Going to the gym is a dreadful chore that I cannot bring myself to do which means being creative and thinking of other ways to get in shape. I have taken up walking, sort of. While I do not go everyday like I should, I try to go three or four times a week. Of course life comes up and there are certain things that take priority over walking. Its hard to get motivated to get up and go for a walk. In the mornings before work, I tell myself over and over that I should be going for a walk instead of writing about it but its just so hard to get up and be that motivated in the morning. All I want to do is relax and enjoy my morning in my jammie's before a long day of work!

No one said this process would be easy and its not. Anyone who has tried to lose weight and get healthy knows its a lot of work but worth it in the end. I am going to keep going and hopefully find success and the end!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

decision made

It has arrived, decision making time. I made the choice successfully, however, I still feel bad about it. I don't feel like I made the wrong choice, but I do feel bad for those I have to tell of my leaving. I do not like confronation, I guess no one really does and while this is confrontation is not end of the world confronation nonetheless I am not looking forward to telling them I found a better job opportunity. I hope its a clean cut, no questions, just a nice to have met you see you around sort of encounter.

I hope this new job works out, nothing worse than giving up a job you already have for a job you know nothing about. Keep your fingers crossed, the last thing I want to be doing is job hunting, again.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Decision Making

Decision making is hard, well for me it is, why is this so? Is it conscience related or just so extremely stressful that I would rather not bother? The larger decisions in life are of course much more difficult than the less important ones, but for me any decision I have to make big or small is difficult. Those who can make a decision in the blink of an eye are great people. For me any decision entails indecisiveness, much thought and most importantly stress which usually ends in someone else making the decision for me.

The current decision I am battling with is between two jobs, a job I currently have in which the pay and hours suck but the people are great thus far. I have done this sort of job time and time again and know how the routine works. It also has no room for growing, a part time receptionist is what I started as and a part time receptionist is where I shall end.

The other job is one I recently had a interview for in which I have never done before, the hours are not really any better than the current job but the flexiblity of hours are there which will allow me to spend more time with family, friends and most importantly concentrate on school. It is also flexible in the way which there is room to move around in the company, my position will not be at a standstill forever. I am not sure about the pay but it can't be any worse than my current job.

Both jobs have their ups and downs. The second job sounds much better to me however the decision on which one I should take is still rattling my brain. But perhaps its not the decision moreso than my conscience that is making this decision difficult. If I quit the first job I will feel bad for letting those people down and wasting everyone's time and energy on training me only to leave them a week later. The people are really nice and I have started to like them. The job isn't that bad but I must think about the future especially when it involves school. My current job, the flexibility is not there, I must work the days alotted as I am the only one to do that job on those days.

I must look at it in this light, I need to look out for me and do what is best for me because no one else is going to, especially those at my current job. If the second job is more flexible with hours and will allow me to maximize my potential at school then perhaps that is the direction I need to go in. I am a student, evenings and weekends are going to have be filled with a meaningless job that is only a means to end.

Hopefully with this thought process, thinking it over and talking it over with some more experienced decision makers I will be able to make this decision easily when the time comes to do so.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Almost done exams!! One more left to go on monday morning at 9 am! Yeah, crappy time for an exam but when its your last one who cares....well last one for two months. At least I will get a two month break, sure will be filled with a 40 hour work week but sometimes working is better than writing essays and studying for tests, until you realize that the crappy job you are in sucks and school is way better. But a break from school will be nice!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I am at school, bored. I came to study for a final, i studied for the morning, my study buddy went home to nap, hence i am bored. I should study more but the way i figure is, this class is a lose-lose situation. I do really well in partciatption and attendance and then screw up on all tests even though i know the material in and out, so i am not sure what i am doing wrong so i am going to not stress about it, study a little more and just write the damn thing!

I am also pretty sure i have pink eye which really helps out the studying situation, i want to scratch my eyeball out..however i am trying oh so hard to not touch it as to not infect the rest of the world.

The weather is crummy and i just want to go home. Soon, in like five or so more hours

Friday, April 11, 2008


I am not a fan of waiting...esepcially when I have to wait by myself!! Currently I am sitting at home waiting for people to deliver furniture, this is the worst waiting, when they give you a timeframe. At least its not as bad as the phone company where they might be here somewhere between 9-5, this is a two hour window but still pick a time and get your ass here! Do you think I have nothing better to do with my time then sit here all morning and wait!! I am a student I have tons of other things to do. While I could be studying right now, I choose to wait. It would be my luck I start and get into it and they knock on my door. All I can say is they better hurry up!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I hate papers!!! I hate when profs give you a paper to finish a week before a final exam! I hate that writing papers is so fricking hard..why can't i be like Ernest Hemmingway or someone like that....life would be easier in the paper world!!

I also hate big first year classes. People talk way too much...is it so hard to shut the hell up for at least an hour and a half...i don't think so!!!

I also hate looking for a job..currently that is a main task of mine along with finishing the semester.

those are some of my thoughts and pet peeves at the moment

Monday, April 7, 2008


I know homesickness never goes away completely, but i do wonder if it gets easier with time. While I have only been here for sixish months, i do not expect that i would be close to being cured by now, however I also did not think it would be this difficult. When i was making the decision to move i was excited, a brand new life with new friends, a new house, new school, new new new. I like new. I also thought that with technology communicating would not be that hard, and its not but for some reason homesickness is not getting easier. Don't get me wrong I love my new house, new friends and new city but I wish that all of my old things were here to share it with me. I hope that homesickness gets easier with time because i don't have that much room or time in my life to be homesick. I have many things to do and being homesick is not one of them.
Along with being homesick i miss my cat!! I love my cat, biast i know, but he is the best cat ever. He is with a friend of mine who is taking great care of him, however i wish he was here with me. I also hope this gets easier because my heart and feelings are hurt by this loss. anyone who has ever had a pet understands that when they go away its very hard.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


So we finally have the internet at home!! While it wasn't as bad as I make it out to be, having no internet still sucks!! You don't really know how much you need and miss it until you don't have it! Its like this empty void in your life, its crazy how dependent we have become on this link to the outside world. Imagine what they did without it oh so many moons ago! Its hard to imagine what life was like without email, knowing any peice of information you need to know with the touch of a button. Its become such a huge part of our lives that I think if were to go away society would not know what to do with itself, especially the generation below me! I find it hard to believe when people tell me they don't have a computer at home, not having a computer is not like having a television, everyone has one!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

SERIOUSLY?! Seriously!

When moving there are many things to think about, it just does not require putting your crap in a box and moving it from one location to another. We have all been through this. You must change your address to a million different places as well as switch things over like electricity, cable etc etc. This however should not be that complicated, unless you belong to Rogers wireless. My husband and I have cells phones with rogers, this is no big deal, so far we are happy with their service. What we are not happy with was when we got a portable wireless modem they told us is coverage almost everywhere. Well as we spent about 2 hours at the mall last night we found out that is not the case. We moved to a rural area, where I might add, other people have internet! Rogers told us that no internet service goes out there. Fine no wireless internet goes out there, what about cable internet we ask? No such thing exists! WTF no such thing exists, it goes through a cable in your house and you can't do that!!! They also told us that there might be a cancellation fee!! Are you kidding me! Its not my fault you don't provide service out where I live and now you want me to pay you for that!! Needless to say we were not impressed with Rogers. So, not that we are against Aliant, but this is the only place we have to choose from!! All we want is our services to be on bill, I don't understand how difficult this is!! Anyway so fine we go to Aliant, only to find out that because we do not have a house phone our internet service is going to be $10 more a month than if we did have a house phone. What the hell is that about?! Oh and not to mention that after the first year it goes up AGAIN by another $10. WTF?
All we want is an internet service that we can use at home, its not like we are asking anyone to save the world. I am confused on why such an accessbile thing is so difficult to obtain. Rogers made it sound like we were moving to butt F*** no where and internet was absurd, it is clearly not as we are not the only people that live out there, I am sure everyone else has internet! For something that is so speedy it sure is taking a hell of a long time to get. Aliant told us that it will take 3-5 business days to get internet in our house!! Holy Crap! I might add however that Aliant was the most helpful, a young lady there was very informative, helpful and understanding and that was good to have seeing as how we were both so pissed that anymore bad service someone might have been seriously hurt.
So if you are planning on moving make sure what your internet service covers and if its moveable. If you have rogers perhaps make the switch over before you move and have to wait a week for internet.
When my cell phone contract is up with rogers I can assure you I will not be renewing with them.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Tim Horton's has good food and drink. I like it there and used to go there often. After today I don't think I will be making the trek back to Tim Hortons. Its not the long line ups that has be straying away, its everything else about it! First of all we live in 2008 why has Tim's not gotten with the times and gotten debit. That is my first problem with them. Mastercard or cash those are your options for payment at Tim's. Why?? If you have a mastercard machine then surely all other forms of payment should be acceptable. Who carries cash these days and this discriminates against those who don't have a mastercard or cash! How can one just get a cup of coffee if all they have is debit with a few dollars on it. I understand this because being a student sometimes this happens, you have no mastercard but you have 10 dollars on your debit card. Not enough money to take out of the machine but enough to buy a coffee with your debit card...at any other establishment besides Tim's. The other problem I have (which happened this morning) was my husband and I had a mastercard and were very much willing to use it to get breakfast at Tim's. We ordered our food only to find out that as we were using our mastercard, the machine was down. All of a sudden the lady at cash cancelled our order! WTF?
So we were following Tim's rules and yet we were still shafted. We had a mastercard, we were going to use it and yet we still had to get breakfast from somewhere else. Now I understand that Tim's cannot give free food away all the time, but considering the fact they had made our food and drinks and then to cancel it was very frustrating. There was no dealing with the situation, it was pure and simple our machine is down you have no cash, ordered cancelled.
I wouldn't normally vent about something like this if something like this did not happen everytime I went to Tim's. You have to understand I go there like once every two or three months and every single time a problem occurs and I either leave with no food, or it was a fight to get it or some other problem and everytime I say I am never going to go again and somehow I end up there again at a later day.
This is the last straw, I am officially boycotting Tim's. Get with the century and get debit and maybe I will visit again.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Avoiding an essay

I am avoiding an essay that I should be writing. When it comes to writing an essay there are many things I can think of that I should be or could be doing rather than writing it. I have been working on this essay for the better half of the evening however I find my self trying to find other things to do. I can only check facebook so many times before I realize that nothing new has happened in the last five mins. MSN is not that exciting, no one I really have a desire to talk to and well the internet itself is pretty boring. This is where I am glad my friends have introduced me to blogging, so here I am blogging about how boring and sometimes tough essays are!!

I find it very difficult to write an 8 page minimum paper. What do you say?! I am sure if you picked a good topic there is lots to say, my problem is that I can't think of anything to say, nothing!! I am on the first paragraph of my introduction and that is a struggle. I am wondering how I have ever left a paper to the last min in the past. It takes a certain person to write very good papers, of course I can get by with an ok mark but writing an excellent paper takes skill, skill I am afraid I do not have.

Well I am afraid I have to continue the paper progress since I am only on the first paragraph of minimum 8 pages.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Alright now I have something to talk about!! It is the day before Easter break and I have to write an exam, annoying yes but it can be dealt with, what cannot be dealt with is the fact that my exam was cancelled today!! My prof, who got her TA to send the email out, said that the weather was too dangerous for us to drive in. Some might find this considerate of her, I would have found it considerate too if she did not send the damn email at 8:30 AM, a time in the morning when everyone is getting ready for the day or for most leaving their house, to drive in the dangerous weather, to arrive to the exam on time! Had she sent it the night before that would have been considerate. Its not like the weather is not posted on the news like every 10 mins about what its going to to do the next day. So now I sit in the library with nothing to do until my next class. You would think I would have lots to do because I am a student but I did not bring anything to do because my plan was to write an exam, go to my next class and go home. However this plan is not panning out, hence why I am writing this blog today. Its to waste time and vent about profs and their "kindness". So not only was the exam cancelled it is now scheduled for the day after we get back from break! who wants to study during Easter Break??

Anyway that is my morning and its only 11 am, I hope the day gets better!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Hello all

Well this is my first blog session ever so forgive me if its not in tune yet, I am sure I will get better as the blogs go on. There will be lots more blogging to do, life is not that unstressful that there won't be something to write about.

Well I am sitting here at 845 pm waiting for Allister to get home from work, he is about 4 hours past due and I think a raise is in order very soon seeing as how he has been at work late for the past two weeks!

I am not really sure what I should talk about..i have nothing in particular to say. I guess I could talk about how excited I am that this semester is almost over, however, that excitement will fade when I have to return in July for summer session. I suppose I have lots to say when it comes to school. The first thing I would like to say is that I think that sometimes there should be school for those who are just out of highschool and want to piss away their parents money and have no idea what they want to do with their life and be immature and dumb. Then there should be a school for 25 year olds and older, a school for those who know what they want to do, understand the value of a dollar and don't act like idiots everytime a cute guy walks by. The other thing I would like to say is that just because the sun is shining and its not snowing out does not mean that anyone wants to see girls' crotches!! I know you are dying to get them out there when first sunlight hits however its unneccesarry! One more thing i wish people would shut up in class!!! I don't like telling people off in class but I will do it again! Is it really that hard to not talk for one hour? No its not, so just shut up!!

I lied..one more thing, I need some new music. I am so bored with mine that I can't stand it anymore. If you have any ideas of anything good please let me know!!!

Anyway I hope my first blog session has been everything you hoped for and more. I did not have much to say...i did not need to vent or say anything important at this particular moment, however I am sure there will be times that something will need to be said.