Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Two months and counting

Yep I said two months! I can't believe that its only two months away. My pregnancy has gone by so fast, it just feels like yesterday I was finding out! TWO MONTHS AWAY! Its so crazy to think that in a short two months I will be a mom, a person responsible for another human being! That thought is exciting and scary all at the same time! It kind of freaks me out a little. I hope I will be a good parent. I am sure things will be fine, but I am so glad that I have a partner who will be there to support me in everything, and be by my side through this journey. I want our baby to have the kind of household I always dreamed of, a two parent family. It was hard growing up with divorced parents, as I am sure it was hard for them. Anyway I am just astonished by the fact that in two months I will be a mom! Its crazy!

Not only is it crazy to think about having a baby in two months, but that also means Christmas is two months away! Yikes! I don't think I will be shopping for anyone this year. This year everyone gets a baby for Christmas!! I think thats a pretty good present!


Independent Chick said...

Yah for two months!!!! You're looking fabulous by the way. : )

LLG said...

thanks lady! Hope you are doing well!