Saturday, November 14, 2009

Movie Theater Etiquette

There are many do's and don'ts invovled in an evening out at the movie theater. For example DO put your garbage in the garbage can on your way out, or be respectful of your neighbour, this includes a major DON'T which is NO TALKING!! Well apparently this rule does not apply to everyone in the audience. Tonight Al and I went to see the new movie 2012, it was alright. I am sure I would have enjoyed it much more had I not been so fricking irritated by the people sitting right behind us who chatted through the WHOLE movie!! At the start of the movie Al noticed they had not quieted down after the previews, so very politely he asked them to please stop talking. Now I do not believe this to be too demanding, and normally most people do not mind abiding to such a request, however tonight was much different. After Al asked a family, two kids (old enough to know better) a mom and a dad, to be quiet, they contiuned to talk. I don't mind the odd whisper here and there, but this was not the case. There was no whispering. They were talking like they were two feet apart from each other. It was fricking irritating, I was ready to snap. By the end of the movie I had had enough and I turned around and yelled shut up, shut up, shut up! I couldn't take it any longer. I was so irritated by their rude behavior. Not only was I enraged by their talking, but I was also angered by the parents lack of discpline to tell their teenage children to stop talking. When it wasn't the kids talking it was the parents thus setting terrible example in movie watching etiquette! The only regret I have is not doing it sooner, because as soon as I did that there was not one peep out of them with only ten or so mins of the movie left. There are not many things that can ruin an entire night of movie watching, but talking through an entire movie is probably the best way to do that!!

While Al was polite in asking them to be quiet at first, I believe that one should not have to be polite in asking someone to stop talking in a movie theater. Common sense should tell most people that once a movie starts all conversation should end. Politeness is unneccesary due to the fact that 9/10 people know that talking while watching a movie is RUDE!! So just as a friendly reminder when at the movie theater keep the talking minimal, and if its a must, please whisper, or I will snap.

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