Monday, January 25, 2010

Doin' Nothing

Its Monday and I am just sitting at home not doing much. I don't have anything really exciting to say. I haven't blogged in a while so I guess this is a really boring update! I woke up this morning, went to the gym, came home and had a nap. Let me tell you how much I love blackout curtains, these are the curtains that can make a room dark in the middle of the day and I love them!! The coach at the gym said one way to get a better sleep was to make your room so dark you can't see anything. I have done that and I sleep much better now at night time and nap time! I don't normally nap, but since I have been awake since 5 am and I have to work until 1130 this evening, I thought a nap would be a good idea. I feel much better and ready for work. I think for the remainder of the afternoon I will continue to read. The book I am reading is so good, not uplifting, but good. The book of Negroes is what I am reading. Its about a young girl who is kidnapped from her village in Africa who is shipped to the U.S. to be made a slave. Its heartbreaking in some parts, but an excellent story!

I went to the gym this morning. Let me tell you it was a tough morning. I did not want to drag my butt out of bed today, but at the end of the workout I was super happy I did. The hardest part about getting in shape is going to the gym, once I am there its great! I thought maybe after a couple of weeks of getting up at 5 am things would get easier. I have come to the conclusion that it will never get easy to get up at 5 am! 5 am is an god awful time of day, but I would much rather get up and work out in the morning then have to dread it all day and go at night. Al and I are still loving the gym, and doing really well! The benefit of getting up so early and getting home by 8 am is that there is a lot more time to do things. Speaking of things to do my laundry is finished and I must fold it. Have a great day everyone!


Coralee said...

I have to try those black out curtains - sounds great. I love days where you can nap and not have to rush on to the next thing.

LLG said...

me too..those are the best days. blackout curtains rock!