Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Loving Cross Fit

So its been about three weeks since Al and I joined Cross fit..if you haven't read the previous blog, or have any questions about what Crossfit is, pls google it, its very hard to explain, but its AWSOME! I love it. So what if I have to get up at 5 am to be at the gym by 6, and yeah when I go I get my ass handed to me on a silver platter, but its totally worth it! Whats even better is that Al is not so hateful at 5 am. You know the saying don't poke the bear? There is a reason that is a common phrase around my house. Al does not like mornings! I mean say good morning to Mr. grouchy pants, but in the last few weeks 5 am doesn't seem to be too bad! We both feel great, and have a lot more energy. Eathing healthier is a little more slow going, but its getting better. We are more aware of what we are eating. Now its just a matter of not eating it! That will come, the important thing is we are getting active, and becoming more healthy! I even heard Al say " I hate the gym, but I love coming to Crossfit". Imagine that, I wish I had a tape recorder at that exact moment.

Anyway thats all that is really new around here. Still love working at the dog grooming shop, and the pub is going fine. We are just living this thing called life, and enjoying each day!

Have a great day everyone!


Coralee said...

good for you!!!!

Adventures of Deesa said...

Thats great! being active is the first step! Its too hard to change everything all at once, starting with something you enjoy is the perfect start!
Great JOB!