Thursday, May 19, 2011

5 1/2 months!

WOW I cannot believe my sweet little girl is 5 1/2 months old already! People tell you all the time that time goes quicker when you have kids, and you never really believe or understand it until you have children of your own. It is so crazy that 5 1/2 months has passed already! Its not even that A is 5 1/2, its that we are 5 1/2 months into the year. Where did the year go, and its only 6 months til Christmas! She is such an amazing little girl. Everyday she surprises me with new developments. I love going into her room in the morning and looking down at her with her big goofy smile on her face! She is the cutest little thing you have ever seen! She certainly knows who mommy and daddy are that is for sure! Everything is going great. She is eating well, sleeping well and overall doing awsome. I am a little bothered by the fact that she hasn't met my parents yet. They have only seen her over skype, but in about a month we will be going to AB to see my family, and some of my husband's family as well. It will be a great trip! I would say being a mom is the best job EVER!


Who we are... said...

I agree, being Mom is best job ever. I can't believe how fast time goes. But when I say to my mom, I can't believe my baby is almost 20 months, she replies I can't believe mine is turning 31. I'm learning to try and Savour every moment because it does really go too fast! when you come to AB, ifyou have extra time we should get together.

LLG said...

That would great if we could hang out for a few hours. I will let you know when I am there and what we are up to! Hope you are having a great long weekend!