Friday, July 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I love going on vacation. It was nice to see my family, and especially see them meet my sweet little baby! Of course they adored her, who wouldn't! As nice as it is to go on vacation, it is just as nice, sometimes even better, to come home! Even with all the problems we had when we got home, it was still nice to arrive! While we were away our basement flooded. Thankfully the cleanup and insurance claim was being taken care of while we were gone. We had a lot of things replaced. Perhaps it was better it happened while we were away. I am sure living without water is not much fun. The water is out of the basement and our hot water tank (the source of the flood) has been replaced. We now are patiently waiting for our insurance claim to progress so we can purchase a new washer and dryer, and a new deep freeze. I hope a new washer and dryer appear soon as we have a lot of laundry to do, especially with cloth diapers.

When we arrived home, we discovered our car did not work. Apparently the parking brake seized. A lesson to all you standard drivers, if you go away for a long period of time, make sure you have someone drive your car, or at least release the parking brake from time to time. Our mechanic told us to drive it back and forth and it would release easy. This was not the case. After ruining our driveway, we figured out that the advice we were given was not as easy as once thought. So my husband had to take the wheel off to release the brake! This wouldn't have been so bad had we realized this at the beginning. For 24 hours we were without a car. This wouldn't have been a big deal, but we had no food in our house, and a screaming 7 month old baby. The little munchkin was so out of whack and so tired that we ended up taking her to the emergency room because we were unsure as to why she had been crying for 6 hours. We thought maybe she had an ear infection from the plane ride. Anyway without a car we had to think fast. At 1230 am we borrowed a neighbor's car, and drove into town to the hospital. It turns out there was nothing wrong, thank goodness! At 2 am we thought it would be a good idea to get some groceries since we weren't sure how long we be without a car. Thank goodness for a 24 hour Sobeys!

We tried for 6 hours to put the little munchkin to sleep, or at least ease, but nothing was working. Finally, at 4 am the little munchkin calmed down and fell asleep. The time change was taking it's toll. 3 hours is a big time change for such a little girl. We have been home for three days and we are still not quite back to normal.

I hope things get back to normal soon. I still have a biology exam to study for, and a chem assignment to finish. I have tried studying everyday since we have been home, but I just can't seem to get into the groove. I think I need to just recover from the jet lag, and start fresh this weekend, once I have had more sleep.

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