Friday, March 6, 2009


Today is Friday....the end to my spring break. It went by fast. Why is it when we are waiting so anxiously for something to happen the time seems to creep by, but when you are dreading something to happen magically the time has swept by you, like a blur. That was spring break a blur. I had hoped to be more productive, alas I was not. I am still working on a paper that is due for Monday. Its only 3-5 pages long, and shouldn't take that long, I just do not want to write it so it seems to be taking much longer than necessary. If I just wrote it and got it over with then I would be free...for a little while anyway, but nope I am dragging out the process. I am not sure why, but thats the way it goes with school work. Leave everything to the very last minute possible!

Its snowing..yuck. I wish spring would hurry the hell up and get here already. Not that I am overly sick of snow, well in a way I guess I am, but I am more tired of looking at it than anything. I am not bothered by winter, but now I am bored with this season and its time to move on. My favorite time of year is this Sunday, Daylight Saving Time. Yeah I know we miss out on an extra hour of sleep, but who cares the days get longer, and it doesn't get dark at like 4 pm. That has to count for something!! I am hoping that its only a few short weeks until the sun starts shining, and the snow will take a rest, at least for six months or so!

I am nursing a sore back. Its on going problem, one that I wish would just go away. It hinders a lot of my life, like being able to waitress or do some physical activity. I am trying to figure out how to strengthen it so it is a distant problem rather than one that keeps me on the couch for days!

My friend's dad is having surgery today, I am sending out good vibes to her and her family! Good luck, I am sure everything will be ok.

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