Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My New Job

I got a new job recently, as a waitress. For as long as I was able to work I avoided waitressing. I thought this can't be my line of work. Its too demanding, always have to be happy, getting people this or that when you just want to tell them to get it themselves. Well it turns out that its not so bad. Granted I have only worked 4 shifts, but so far so good. I wish I had found this job earlier in life, as a teenager. The tips would have been nice to have in the all I want to do is go out party and spend money phase. Working at a regular job waiting for the bi-weekly paycheques just did not seem to cut it. Well I have found it now, and so far I don't mind it. The customers are super nice, telling them I am new seems to sympathize more with their tipping ability, and the staff are really cool as well. Any questions I have they are right there to answer them. I am hoping this job will take me to the end of my academic career, which is thankfully only four months away, and into my "grown up job". I can't wait to start that, working Monday-Friday, 9-5 like the rest of my friends. It will be nice to be able to do weekend things w/o having to work, but alas this is the situation for now, an means to end, and so far its not going too badly! I actually look forward to going to work rather than dreading it like in the past job. As I am sure you will recall that boss I had from hell, the job I up and quit because apparently my two week notice was not sufficient enough! Yeah that job, well this one is not like that. Thank God, its hard to find good employers sometimes!

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