Friday, May 29, 2009

The Five Of Us

Well things at the Graham/Newton household seem to be going well thus far. Its only been about a week, but so far nothing catastrophic has taken place. Maddi, the dog, seems to be adjusting just fine to her new surroundings. Going by what the Newtons have told me they seem to like Freddy beach.

Nothing else new and exciting is going on. I am still liking working at the pub. Its a fun place to work, great people and the tips aren't bad. Of course I will have to cut down a bit when I start school again in July, but till then I am trying to work as much as possible. I can't believe that I only have a month left of summer vacation that doesn't involve school. It seems to be going by so fast. On the upside once those classes are over that means I am done my academic career, for now anyway. While it is a happy occassion, its also a little sad. All the friends I acquired at UNB have just recently graduated which means I will be graduating by myself. That is a little sad because I won't get to enjoy the celebration with anyone I know. Oh well school will be over and thats what matters. These two summer classes are going to kill me. It will be so hard to be motivated, but I just have to keep trucking along. Two months is not really that bad in comparison to the five years I have spent in school. I think A will be just as relieved as me, he can finally stop carrying the burden of breadwinner.

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