Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Hunt Is On!

Well now that I am a graduate, after five long gruelling years, I guess its time to grow-up and get a real job, whatever that means! I have been job searching for a couple of months now, and I am being optimistic and hope something comes my way, but its frustrating to not have full time work. I know that I might not have something immediately after school, but I hope that this doesn't last too much longer. My job can only provide me with maybe three shifts a week. They are not long shifts, and so I don't make a lot of money. I was debating on getting a second part time job to fill in the off days, but then what happens when I get an actual full time job and have to quit. What if thats a month in, but then it could be six months later, who knows. For now I will just stick to what I am doing, and cross my fingers, and you cross yours, that something will come up soon!

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