Friday, August 28, 2009

Let the dough roll!

YAY!! I got a temp job as a receptionist. I know its not much, or great, after getting a degree, but it beats working 8 hours a week as a waitress at mininum wage! I am not sure how long this gig will last for, but Mon-Fri 12/hr can't complain about that. Hopefully it will last a while so I can reap the benefits of having a steady income, but anything will help at this point. Hopefully this temp job is the beginning to a busy me, and jobs just keep rolling in one after another until I find something permanent. The downside now I have to spend money so I don't look like a slob. For five years I have been wearing jeans, t-shirts, and if I did need to dress up it wasn't often, but I don't have enough dress clothes to necessitate a full time job, so to the changing room I go.

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